You do have to wonder?

Community Member

23,052,600 results in Books, Magazines


How many of the listings in that category are not books/magazines.


In a search for completed starting with highest price first has 90 listings that aren't book related.


90 non book items.


So why are these sellers still making basic errors in listing as they have no hope of members seeing their listings if they


search by category,shok.gif



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Re: You do have to wonder?

I don't think a lot of book buyers do general browses.

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Re: You do have to wonder?

Hmm, could be an attempt to minimise insertion fees for items that notoriously attract tyre-kickers (though the FVF is 5 times as much, so not too sure if it would would help overall costs).


Some people do it because it's a subtle way to keyword spam (category names are automatic keywords that will bring an item up in search results even if the pertinent word is not in the title). 

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