frustrated - buyer asking for partial refund.

Community Member

Hi all,


Very occasional seller (basically I just sell stuff that I no longer use at home).


Sold some used cloth nappies. Buyer complained that some of them seemed thinner than the others.


I explained to them that all nappies were used part-time for 6months, and were washed appropriately and rarely dried in the tumble drier. i.e. I have treated them well, and havent used them for long. The thinness she is noticing in some of the nappies is a nature of the product - there were two batches I purchased and the second batch definitely were thicker than the first. However, the thickness has not reduced over time - they are exactly the same thickness as when I first purchased them.


Now she is asking for a partial refund.


I am incredibly frustrated!!!! I dont want to give a partial refund. It seems totally unfair that I have to lose money when the products are EXACTLY as they were manufactured.


Advice please?


My instinct is to tell her a firm NO, however, I also get the general feeling that ebay is buyer-centric and if she opens a dispute they would side with her (regardless of the truth!!) and I would have to refund and pay for return shipping. Thus I'm thinking of simply saying that shes welcome to return the nappies and i will pay for the return shipping.


Leaves an incredibly bad taste in my mouth, and I will probably never sell on ebay again after this experience. Have never dealt with this situation before - I've never had such a demanding buyer before! I should have known this would happen as she was demanding even before she purchased...


Thank you for listening and for any advice.

Message 1 of 20
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frustrated - buyer asking for partial refund.

Community Member

I should also add that I dont care about my rating, as I dont want to sell on ebay ever again after this experience.

My listing states that I do not accept returns.

The nappies still function 100% in my opinion - she claims that they are less absorbent. Whether she thinks they are not absorbent enough (i.e. they do not perform the function that they are intended to) is unclear.


Total waste of my time.

Message 2 of 20
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frustrated - buyer asking for partial refund.

oh, and the only fault that I own is that I should have mentioned in the listing that there were two batches and one of the batches is thinner than the other.

Message 3 of 20
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frustrated - buyer asking for partial refund.

hoynnij, I can understand how vexing it is when a buyer makes a complaint and it seems as though it's for no adequate reason.


Just having a look at your completed listings - is the listing of the bamboo nappies x 6 the sale in question?


From what I have gleaned from others (as I'm not a seller), selling used clothes is fraught with difficulties. To avoid problems, it's always best to describe every detail that is relevant to the items. For instance, you didn't mention in the listing that the nappies had been purchased in two batches, and that one batch was thicker than the other.


You also used the words "excellent condition", which can (from what I understand) be a door to a buyer's complaining about the items, as the expectations are then incredibly high. If something is described as "excellent", the buyer may well expect "perfect". If something is described as "very good", the buyer may expect "excellent". The good Lord alone knows what a buyer would expect from a listing stating "unutterably perfect condition" - possibly gold-encrusted nappies made from the feathers of angels' wings.


Some sellers will state condition just slightly below what they really believe the condition to be, for the reasons stated. The buyer then gets a lovely surprise when their purchase turns out to be better than expected. That's something to consider for the future, as well as being very thorough in describing any possible issue. Something like "I noticed when I purchased the second lot of nappies that they weren't quite as thick as the first lot. This is simply the nature of the product, and does not affect the quality. I mention it merely in the interests of thoroughness. There is some piling on the inserts (see photograph [no.] for close-up), which occurred after the first wash (this will always happen, even using the CCDU method which I always used). Velcro and snaps are all fine (see photograph [no.] for close-up)." ... etc.


However, none of that helps you in your current dilemma.


You could, of course, issue a partial refund. I am assuming that your buyer has not opened a case at this point. What sort of refund is she requesting? Is it reasonable? Perhaps - to make a cold hard decision based purely on the best financial outcome for you - reckon up what it would cost you to have the nappies returned to you - that is, the sum of the buyer's postage to you, the postage cost from you to your buyer after the sale, the PayPal fees for the sale, the eBay final value fees for the sale (you should be able to get those credited back, though, if you accept a return), plus whatever cost will be involved in your re-listing or advertising elsewhere.

There's also the aggravation and time factor in re-listing. Also, you need to consider for how much the nappies will sell if you re-list or advertise elsewhere. (I'd use a spreadsheet and various formulae to show me how each scenario works out - partial refund, return, relist, etc.)


Against those things, does the partial refund amount end up sounding like an unpleasant, unfair, but pragmatic outcome?


Or is the partial refund amount requested outrageous?


Honestly, the best decision you can make is when you take emotion out of it, and concentrate on what's best for you with regards to this particular transaction - financially, timewise, etc. But don't let the fear of negative feedback influence your decision (at least, that would be my own stance; it's easy for me to say as I'm a buyer, not a seller). If this is a bad buyer being ridiculously demanding and the requested refund is simply ridiculous, you may want to cut your losses in a nice cheerful way by responding to her with something along these lines:


Dear [buyer]


I'm so sorry you're not happy with these excellent quality nappies. Unfortunately I cannot offer you a partial refund, but am happy for you to return these to me for a full refund, including the postage cost to return these to me via a fully tracked postage method. I want my buyers to be completely happy with their purchases, and as this aappears not to be the case for your purchase, please feel free to return these in the same condition as when they were sent to you.

Best regards,



Other eBay members will probably have advice for you out of their own experience. I believe some sellers will issue partial refunds as they do not want the negative feedback or the hassle; some will simply accept returns and give full refunds; some sellers will opt to fight it out. I think the fighting it out option is one to avoid if you possibly can (in most circumstances), as it seems almost impossible for a seller to win against a buyer claiming the item's not as described. I know from my relatively short time on the boards here that there are some highly experienced sellers of second-hand clothing who post here with excellent advice.

Message 4 of 20
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frustrated - buyer asking for partial refund.

firstly, i'll say that i haven't sold used clothing so i'm no expect on the topic.


based on what you've said alone though, and yes, it sucks incredibly - because ebay is definitely aimed towards the buyer.. i think ebay will side with the buyer should they put in an "item not as described" claim. i know how frustrating and annoying it can be - especially if you're just selling to get rid of things you no longer use. 


most buyers probably wouldn't even have an issue like your buyer is having.. you seem to have been unlucky. 


though, i think ebay will say that the buyer could win a "item not as described" claim as you haven't mentioned in the listing that some of the nappies are thinner than others (in regards to there being two batches). i think the "no refunds accepted" will be null and void should this be the course of action the buyer takes. 


you can call their bluff - there is a good chance they might not put a claim in - but they can and it might be enough to agitate them if you send a strongly-worded message saying you'll refuse the partial refund amount. plus, there's also the negative feedback which could eventuate if that's something that you're concerned about. if you're dead-set on not selling on ebay again - then i guess you have nothing to lose. 


it's none of my business how much the partial refund is they're asking for - but i guess you need to weigh up whether or not the monetary value is worth the hassle and is proportionate to how "put out" you think the buyer is - and whether or not it'll effect your account's standing should you wish to sell using it in the future. 


i hope you can get it sorted out in a favourable way - no doubt there'll be people who have more experience in the area of used clothing post shortly and they'll probably have the most spot-on advice. 



Message 5 of 20
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frustrated - buyer asking for partial refund.

@countessalmirenaBut don't let the fear of negative feedback influence your decision (at least, that would be my own stance; it's easy for me to say as I'm a buyer, not a seller). If this is a bad buyer being ridiculously demanding and the requested refund is simply ridiculous, you may want to cut your losses in a nice cheerful way by responding to her with something along these lines:


You are right, fear of negative feedback should not influence decisions, but the OP didn't sell much this year, so even 1 single negative feedback can have serious consequences for their rating.

It shouldn't be like that, and you are perfectly right that the OP should still honestly do what they think is right, but this should probably also be taken into consideration.

Message 6 of 20
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frustrated - buyer asking for partial refund.

I don't usually go to look at people's completed listings but I did this time & glad I did as they are very different to what we had in my day.

To me, if anyone advertised used nappies (whatever their design) I would expect some signs of use.


I can't say which way ebay will jump on this one. I would guess the buyer is going to state that some are very worn & not in excellent condition. If so, they may well win, even if it is not really the case.

Given that each nappy shown seems to have a different design, it could be worth your while fighting it on the basis you stated, that they were different designs and batches, although if you go that route, mention they were bought at the same time but were never identical.


For you to win, I think that is going to be a pivotal point.


Other people may have better suggestions.

The only other thing I can suggest is telling her exactly what you told us here-that they were like that when you bought them, they're different batches, but you will accept a return if she wants & will pay return postage. That way you would get your items back, but you'll have to weigh that up against is it more economical than giving a partial refund & would you be able to resell at a similar price elsewhere. That last part I can't help you with as I don't know how much these sell for normally or what the demand is.


I do know how you feel. We had a similar situation with an international buyer stating slight wear on a 45 year old vintage handbag. We know the bag was in excellent condition but in the end a partial refund turned out cheaper, though it went against the grain I can tell you. Like your customer, she had seemed like trouble (kicking up about postage costs) even before the transaction was finalised.


I think second hand products where you claim something is in excellent condition can leave you open to trouble with some customers on ebay.

Message 7 of 20
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frustrated - buyer asking for partial refund.

Springy, one thing nobody else has brought up is that if selling used underwear/swimsuits etc is a no no on eBay, then if a dispute is opened eBay will almost certainly close in the buyers favour immediately.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 8 of 20
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frustrated - buyer asking for partial refund.

I was going to say that I am surprised used nappies are even allowed to be sold on ebay

Message 9 of 20
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frustrated - buyer asking for partial refund.

Ah bear, but they were bamboo ones.....................maybe come with a Bored Panda as well as other things.......Yikes......


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 10 of 20
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