is something up with Ebay / paypal?

Community Member
I have seven not paid items in the past week... I usually get less than one every three months. Very odd.

Ive sent invoices... thought Id ask here before investigating further... Im wondering if they are actually having trouble paying again.

Anyone else noticing something similar?
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Re: is something up with Ebay / paypal?

I had an auction end this afternoon with a sale. They paid a few hours later via PayPal (well, it was a few hours later when I got the paid notification on my phone).

Message 2 of 8
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Re: is something up with Ebay / paypal?

Actually about 1/2 hour ago, I received all payments, bar two, by Paypal too.


Must be a bit of a delay... (although its been a couple of days for most of them)

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Re: is something up with Ebay / paypal?

I was at work when the notification came through on my phone, so not sure if it was an immediate notification, or whether there was a delay.

Message 4 of 8
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Re: is something up with Ebay / paypal?

I was contacted by a regular buyer yesterday who said she'd given up on Paypal and was paying bank deposit.   Yes, I think my payments have been slower the past few days too.

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Re: is something up with Ebay / paypal?

The people who have paid the payments have come straight through unlike the buyer who in the few seconds between hitting buy and pay now managed to have a relative die and have to organise her whole family to go to another state. Gosh what an efficient travel agent she must have used LOL.  The email I got with this tale of woe 4 days later must have taken her twice the time it would have taken to make the payment. Do they really think we sellers are as dumb as themselves?

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 6 of 8
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Re: is something up with Ebay / paypal?


Hahahaha .... even better than the urgent trip to hospital  🙂 


Actually I sold two items half an hour ago and they were both paid for immediately through Paypal.

Message 7 of 8
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Re: is something up with Ebay / paypal?

I jus went to process Ebay label and it went straight througfh to paypal sign in and summary page, with paypal saying shipping service unavailable...huh? something change in labelling systems and paypal I miss?


Is ebay enforcing paypal label payments now instead of adding to fees?


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