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I am having a problem with ebayplus , ebayplus over rides my Promotional postage rule this is very frustrating for the seller and the buyer , I am losing sales as the postage will not combine , I am answering questions all the time why my postage is ...
Can anyone let me know why there is a waiting time of 7 days before we can go back on sale ? and we are only aloud to go on sale for 45 days , why does this affect eBay if we are on sale all the time ???
It would be really good if all the ebayplus sales could be highlighted ie., like international sales in my notes , this would make easier when doing the postout , thank you
I am having problems with ebayplus which over rides my Promotional postage rule , this is very frustrating for myself and my buyers , I am losing sales , I need to know if this can be fixed as I will need to find another way to combine the postage