User Activity

Just wondering if other sellers will be doing this? Free postage? Really now that's a bit rich!
Hi, I opened a dispute (under a different ID) after 6 days of non payment and no contact from the buyer. After it was opened I received a message from the buyer saying they were in hospital etc.. and could I wait until next Tuesday for payment. Is it...
Can I put a separate listing up for express postage? I have a store and sometimes need express for only some buyers, but don't want it on all listings. Thanks
Hi all, I sold an item earlier this week. The woman asked about it first and I said she must use express post for it to get to her by the weekend. She then buys and pays, without choosing express post. She claimed that there was no express option (wh...
Hi, sorry to ask these questions, but I need advice form real people!. I have to open a store because my fees are getting too much. I'm a bit confused about a user id/store name - if they aren't the same, how would previous buyers find my items, can ...