Banned by seller for making a 'best offer'

Community Member

Some idiot had an item he listed for $14 AUD and I made an 'best offer' of $7 AUD and he rejected the offer, then banned me. There was not a word exchanged between us, all that was exchanged was a 'best off'. Which is fine. Wouldn't want to deal with that cockroache anyway. But why can I still see his listings? It's like ebay is trying to troll me. If I can't buy anything from this jerk, why do I have to see his listings?

Message 1 of 203
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Re: Banned by seller for making a 'best offer'

Here on the forums we often talk about buyers making lower than usual offers.

Most sellers like to ignore those buyers and many sellers also put them on thier BBL thinking the buyer might just be a problem buyer.


It's up to each member whom they block, you can block anyone you like because it's your account.

I dare say many have put you on their list now because you called the seller names here just for doing what they are entitled to.

Just sayin.


As for trolling, no ebay's site just has recent viewed items showing.

Just view something else and they will override the earlier viewed ones.


BTW, did the seller have make an offer on the listing ?

image host
Message 2 of 203
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Re: Banned by seller for making a 'best offer'

I was going to ask how you knew for a fact it was the seller themselves who inserted the 'best offer'


Seeings as how eBay has a habit of taking it upon themselves to insert 'best offer' on any listing(s) of their choosing without the seller's knowledge or permission. They do not tell them (the seller) tell are going to do it/have done it



Maybe, just maybe this might have been the case with this seller, and yours was about the 20th offer they have had from something they did'nt offer



In any case, you are in luck because there are a couple of members here who jump on any chance to slam a seller, so if they see your post, they will no doubt join in on thye name calling and saying the seller should be thankful for your offer etc etc 

Message 3 of 203
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Re: Banned by seller for making a 'best offer'

@kopenhagen5 wrote:

Here on the forums we often talk about buyers making lower than usual offers.

Most sellers like to ignore those buyers and many sellers also put them on thier BBL thinking the buyer might just be a problem buyer.


It's up to each member whom they block, you can block anyone you like because it's your account.

I dare say many have put you on their list now because you called the seller names just for doing what they are entitled to.

Just sayin.


As for trolling, no ebay's site just has recent viewed items showing.

Just view something else and they will override the earlier viewed ones.


BTW, did the seller have make an offer on the listing ?

The fact is, he INSULTED ME first by placing the ban on me for merely making an honest bid. Maybe ebay should have a warning on their 'best offer' feature saying the seller may ban you for merely making an offer. And of course he had 'best offer' on his item. He rejected me for merely doing what I was told I was entitled to do: attempt to negotiate with a seller. Like I committed some kind of crime by using their feature.

Message 4 of 203
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Re: Banned by seller for making a 'best offer'

Best offer is just that, your absolute best offer. At 50% he probably didn't want to bother with garage sale haggling. A bit petty to block someone for it, but equally as petty to call them a cockroach and a jerk for doing it.

Message 5 of 203
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Re: Banned by seller for making a 'best offer'

The seller did not insult is the other way round and you insulted the seller.


What makes you think the an offer of 50% of the seller's asking price is an honest offer.  I call it an insult and obviously the seller did too.

Message 6 of 203
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Re: Banned by seller for making a 'best offer'

@enigmabear wrote:

I was going to ask how you knew for a fact it was the seller themselves who inserted the 'best offer'


Seeings as how eBay has a habit of taking it upon themselves to insert 'best offer' on any listing(s) of their choosing without the seller's knowledge or permission. They do not tell them (the seller) tell are going to do it/have done it



Maybe, just maybe this might have been the case with this seller, and yours was about the 20th offer they have had from something they did'nt offer



In any case, you are in luck because there are a couple of members here who jump on any chance to slam a seller, so if they see your post, they will no doubt join in on thye name calling and saying the seller should be thankful for your offer etc etc 

If ebay is doing that, clearly it is the buyers fault then. That clearly makes a lot of sense.


But the point wasn't whether he was entitled to do it, the point was why should I have to encounter the listings of someone who doesn't want my business? I don't want to see his listings anymore.

And if I really want to play low-ball, I'd not only insult him but I'd name and shame him which I haven't done. Maybe I should since I seem to be attacked here like I am evil incarnate.


It should also be noted that while he has a 99.6% positive feedback, he has 3 negatives in the last year and 2 the feedbacks are visible. Both of these finish with the word 'blocked'. The first one claims that when he raised an issue with the seller, he was blocked. The seller rejects the claim and then follows it up with 'u r blocked'.

Message 7 of 203
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Re: Banned by seller for making a 'best offer'

@lyndal1838 wrote:

The seller did not insult is the other way round and you insulted the seller.


What makes you think the an offer of 50% of the seller's asking price is an honest offer.  I call it an insult and obviously the seller did too.

You have got to be kidding! Maybe you should attempt to buy something and get blocked for merely making a good faith offer on something. That is an insult. He didn't attempt to counter. He could have just have easily countered with a high offer to indicate to me it was out of my reach.

Message 8 of 203
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Re: Banned by seller for making a 'best offer'

@lyndal1838 wrote:

The seller did not insult is the other way round and you insulted the seller.


What makes you think the an offer of 50% of the seller's asking price is an honest offer.  I call it an insult and obviously the seller did too.

Yes, it was an honest offer. You calling me dishonest, I have a right to call you that back. 50% is not unreasonable. It is haggling. e had a right to counter with an offer midway or whatever number he chose. It was not like I offered him $1.

Message 9 of 203
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Re: Banned by seller for making a 'best offer'

...but this wasn't even my point, for those of you who can't read: I accept that this seller had a right to do it, I was asking why I should have to see his listings?

Message 10 of 203
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