For every customer who has dealt with Pitney Bowes Corporate delivery company called Global Shipping Program . 
The first important thing one must know is that Global Shipping Problems sorry Program has nothing to do with eBay PERIOD.

This company pays eBay a yearly “Donation”  to use the eBay corporate divisions name worldwide.

The most deplorable act that this company does to eBays customers is to deny combined postage from any retailer or charitable organisation they have dibs over.  If you have ever tried to send a message thru to a seller asking for your multiple purchases to be posted together to save HUNDREDS from overseas delivery the button that eBay gets you to press after all your time spent filling out a request form for a new invoice has a default message that says “This seller is unavailable at this time, please try again later” !!   So after numerous hours wasted trying to send this request I contact the Charity I’m purchasing from in the United Kingdom.  These poor people had no idea that they couldn’t be reached. 
What eBay has turned a blind eye on preferring to sit back & pretend they are assisting all queries from their millions of customers about Global rip off program by suggesting to you all this…

Please contact the seller & ask them to choose another courier service.  It sounded all good until these small businesses realised they can’t override the program installed by eBay on behalf of this non parent company named Pitney Bowes so they can MAXIMISE all profits.

But wait …  You won’t believe what I have on record from this companies head office in the United States admitting….   
It is not bad enough that they are still charging single parcel rates not giving a combined postage discount after posting everything together.   This company was able to take over hundreds of charitable organisations across our globes postage service by getting eBay to act for them to offer a worry  free service where one won’t have to deal with customers ect, so by accepting Global Shipping as there only courier service they are then made to post all of our purchases to the closest of umpteen GSP hub sites world wide where this extortion takes place…

They completely unpack our combined orders that were all ready for overseas delivery, dispose of the packaging & boxing then wasting it by not reusing it.  Why they prefer not to recycle is this…. They want to charge us for there own personal overpriced packaging & generic boxes.  The thing that upset me most is our purchase  gets relabelled with the return address if it gets lost saying Global Shipping Program as the seller.
At first they were posting everything out as single purchases so they could charge there scrupulously overpriced delivery charges.  But then they realised they should be combining our multiple purchases so postage is much cheaper for them & NOT passing this much cheaper invoice onto the customers they’ve highjacked from eBay.
it’s corporate greed at its worst.
So when asked why they do this, they’d used the vice of trying to be a greener company & not answering the real question of why they are stealing from eBay customers …

Why eBay officials are not getting hauled over the coals by watchdogs I have no idea.

Lastly ..

if you’ve ever been charged a import tariff (tax) by GSP you need to know that they overestimate the cost, then they decide to keep the extra money they’ve charged you to balance out any of there so called losses when apparently at one stage they underestimated import tariffs?

Are you SERIOUS…. How does a worldwide corporate entity operate on guess work not taking advantage of todays informative import costs provided by all eligible countries I have no idea?

Or is it just another sneaky way to steal your hard earned dollars.  It may only be $5 or $6 dollars they overcharge you with but multiply that by the number of world wide customers they’ve pushed themselves onto with eBays help, then try pronouncing the amount of digits in the profit amount this will add up to.  
This egregious act continues to this day. I have personally added up all of my overseas purchases as a eBay customer since 2021 & I’ve worked out that I have been overcharged $3120 by Pitney Bowes who I’ve contacted several times.  The CEO of the American Office (I couldn’t find anything on this companies Australian office)  said he’d look into it & passed it down to a minion who went thru my email denying that it happens ….  But then on record admitted that they overcharge us all when covering costs for import taxes.  I seriously don’t get it.

People were worried about Covid being a serious worldwide pandemic….   I suggest that the only pandemic we all need to adhere is Corporate Greed.  These companies get away with so much & when they are finally put before the courts they only have to pay a fine that doesn’t hurt there profits or stop them blatantly ripping us off one aota. 
There needs to be a parliamentary inquiry into this companies connection with eBay & why they’re allowed to take advantage of small business owners & more heart braking the misuse of charities around the globe who deserve so much more for doing the amazing work they do. 


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This is only my opinion Countess Almirena.  I’m just a little frustrated with corporate entities having the power to walk all over the little people of our world not caring about anything but how much money they can take thinking we are so uneducated to see it happening under our noses. Not having control over simple choices that eventually causes stress, loss of time & the theft of our money which should never be happening especially in this day and age causes suffering! 

Why is Pitney Bowes allowed to extort from us?
The thousands of greedy corporations that are out there are absolutely everywhere with ZERO policing & are using reliable reputable charities connected to eBay to extort ones money that should be going to families in need.  I’m sorry but CORPORATE Greed is a pandemic that will continue to ruin peoples lives....   These greedy fools will continue to cost us so much like COVID has & Why? We don’t have a vaccine for greed yet!! 
Take care everyone, please remember it costs us nothing to be kind.  

View solution in original post

Message 10 of 37
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Honored Contributor

TLDR - gave up


Simply notify the seller to opt out of GSP with these instructions -


GSP opt out..png

Message 2 of 37
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I read the first paragraph, skimmed the next couple, then gave up.


Anybody who reads that novel should already know, as it is posted on the boards ad nauseum.

Message 3 of 37
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❝Croire à les messages répétitifs et décousus serait la suprême folie si n'y pas croire n'en était pas une plus grande encore.❞

Your attempt to create a comparison between a terrible pandemic and the GSP is more tenuous than a cut rope bridge.


The GSP is far from perfect. If you don’t want to use it, don’t. There are alternatives.


Message 4 of 37
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Lost interest after the first couple of lines, figured the rest was not worth reading

Message 5 of 37
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There's 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back.


You're preaching to the converted. Oh, and there is no "Australian office" for the GSP as it's not available here. It's only available in the US and England (I wish it was available here!). 


As for a parliamentary enquiry, give me a break. No parliament in Australia is going to "enquire" about an American company.  


If you don't like the GSP, don't use it. It's not that hard. It's blatantly obvious in the listing when a seller uses it, so don't click on it.


I'm sure there are plenty of Chinese sellers with free postage that would love your business.

Message 6 of 37
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Hi  S &D,   Thanks for confirming, that I was correct in assuming after the  first couple of lines, that the post was going to be a long winded piece of rubbish.   The forum really needs a digital shredder.

Message 7 of 37
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I was simply-NOT-curious enough to read through the opening post. I was lazy, and left it to others to highlight some points made in the post.


I particularly like the parliamentary enquiry suggestion

Message 8 of 37
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Hey, at least they used capital letters at the start of each sentence, plus also used full stops and commas. And, kind of paragraphs. Nice change on the usual 5 scroll thread that is one long sentence.


I'm amazed that the OP has admitted to being "overcharged" by $3120, yet they continue to buy from sellers who openly use GSP to post. WHY???? Why would you keep throwing away your "hard earned cash"? Crazy.

Message 9 of 37
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This is only my opinion Countess Almirena.  I’m just a little frustrated with corporate entities having the power to walk all over the little people of our world not caring about anything but how much money they can take thinking we are so uneducated to see it happening under our noses. Not having control over simple choices that eventually causes stress, loss of time & the theft of our money which should never be happening especially in this day and age causes suffering! 

Why is Pitney Bowes allowed to extort from us?
The thousands of greedy corporations that are out there are absolutely everywhere with ZERO policing & are using reliable reputable charities connected to eBay to extort ones money that should be going to families in need.  I’m sorry but CORPORATE Greed is a pandemic that will continue to ruin peoples lives....   These greedy fools will continue to cost us so much like COVID has & Why? We don’t have a vaccine for greed yet!! 
Take care everyone, please remember it costs us nothing to be kind.  

Message 10 of 37
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