Lengthy wait for item to be shipped.

Do you think it's worth waiting longer than the advised 5-10 day waiting time for an item to be shipped to me or cancel. Seller is in USA, has a substantial number of neg feedback. If you message them and enquire, they usually send a generated email back so it can be a little frustrating as you don't really know what's going on.
Message 1 of 33
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Re: Lengthy wait for item to be shipped.

You know very well that is a total load of nonsense 


How do you work out if the seller does not manually go onto their computer/log in to ebay/bring up the listing/press the mark as sent option


That 100% means it has not been shipped 




Attention seeking as always 

Message 11 of 33
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Re: Lengthy wait for item to be shipped.

@davewil1964 wrote:

That means nothing, as you well know.


Amazon shipping times have no relevance. They are a multinational conglomerate, not a single seller, and probably charter their own freight planes. It's all about volume. Not many people or organisations have the luxury of being able to provide their own freight services.

OT I know...however it was good to see your mob take care of those three quarter pant wearing,hair gel using,latte sipping pretty boys from Bondi.Smiley Wink

Message 12 of 33
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Re: Lengthy wait for item to be shipped.

@michellebartley wrote:
Get off your high horse, and stop bickering, you are obnoxious.

Um...you have just called yourself "obnoxious".



I don't think you are..


.High maintenance,slow to learn...perhaps.

Message 13 of 33
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Re: Lengthy wait for item to be shipped.

It was a simple enough question


Then again, clearly does not like being called out on something when they know they are talking rubbish 




If that makes me obnoxious ,so be it 

Message 14 of 33
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Re: Lengthy wait for item to be shipped.

Your are entitled to your own opinion, if you think my post is a load of old **bleep**, then so be it, you said it was rubbish, yippee doo da, your posts are always glowing and oozing with such splendour well that's what it appears you think they are, I've got my own opinion and it's secret Ha ha.
Message 15 of 33
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Re: Lengthy wait for item to be shipped.

I was able to find the listing, This listing was ended by the seller because the item is no longer available. So I think the vent is somewhat okay

But however, America is heavily effected by COVID19 so I think you should definitely be more understanding when purchasing internationally. Also some of the feedback is likely due to COVID, but based on the ratio, I personally think the seller is honest. But you can't blame sellers for international delivery.
Message 16 of 33
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Re: Lengthy wait for item to be shipped.

Oh for heavens sake Michelle....start your posts with @whoever you are answering.

At present you are abusing yourself rather than the member you have an issue with.

Message 17 of 33
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Re: Lengthy wait for item to be shipped.

Given, michelle, that you have marked danieh's post as a solution, what was your question again?


If the seller has already cancelled, which you would be aware of, what is the point in asking if YOU can cancel? Given you, as a buyer, can't anyway.

Message 18 of 33
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Re: Lengthy wait for item to be shipped.


Message 19 of 33
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Re: Lengthy wait for item to be shipped.

Community Member
Posts: 874
Registered: โ€Ž06-01-2013
@michellebartley wrote:

Do you think it's worth waiting longer than the advised 5-10 day waiting time for an item to be shipped to me or cancel. Seller is in USA, has a substantial number of neg feedback. If you message them and enquire, they usually send a generated email back so it can be a little frustrating as you don't really know what's going on.

Hi Michelle it's nice to see you back. Good question too! By the way, I saw a later post of yours on this thread stating that the item is not showing as shipped. Well, that's usually thr indicator. If the seller is too slack in replying to you to confirm yes or no or to tell you what's going on, perhaps reply via one of the choices "I need to contact seller" or ask seller to please confirm if everything is still OK. I know that some sellers are slack and need a bit of a reminder.


Yeah, the generated mail thing can be frustrating.

Message 20 of 33
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