Seller cancelled the sale after I paid but hasn't refunded my money.

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Re: Seller cancelled the sale after I paid but hasn't refunded my money.

It has long been known - one case at a time.


Once opened - with eBay - be patient - but to open one with PP at the same time - you've done your dash with eBay.


Hopefully PP will refund.

Message 2 of 20
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Re: Seller cancelled the sale after I paid but hasn't refunded my money.

If you've received a notice that your transaction has been cancelled, the refund will go back to your funding source. If you paid with a credit card via Paypal, for example, the money will go back to the card. Refunds can take several days to show up though, depending on your card issuer.

Message 3 of 20
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Re: Seller cancelled the sale after I paid but hasn't refunded my money.

It has long been known - one case at a time.

Really! Glad you have a handle on everthing eBay related.

Some of us don't spend our time belittling others. Go away.

Message 4 of 20
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Re: Seller cancelled the sale after I paid but hasn't refunded my money.


I posted under the wrong ID and edited it to remove the content so here it is again.


On my purchase page it states,
Status: The seller didn't accept a cancellation.
I didn't request a cancellation nor did I receive any cancel request messages from either the seller or eBay.

After I paid $350 for my item, 185573869163, note this number no longer comes up in a search for me, seller messaged me to say that she cannot go ahead with the sale right now as she had a request from a family member to hold onto the brooch for sentimental reasons the brooch will not be sold at this point if you have sent money forward it will be returned.
Seller changed her mind after I won and paid for the brooch. She said she cancelled the sale but what happened was she tried twice and twice it failed so as far as I’m aware the cancellation didn’t go through.
As she was new to selling, only purchases from what I could see on her feedback page, I tried to instruct her how to do the cancellation so my money would be refunded straight away. Brick wall went up after she told me eBay won't accept my bank account details, I don't know how to do a refund, eBay have your money, not me.
I then opened an Item Not Received case with eBay, no other option could I find, and eBay accepted it.
Next I opened a PayPal case, I thought eBay owned PayPal, found out since when talking to a Rep. that they don't, and by doing so it voided the eBay case.
I had a lengthy online conversation with an eBay Rep thinking that if I explained the situation he might help me reinstate my case but couldn't help me because I'd opened the PayPal case and all he kept telling me was to work it out with the seller.  Mission impossible.

PayPal has given the seller until 22nd Sept to reply to the case. As there isn't a Tracking Number I'm not sure what grounds the seller would have to object to the case.
I've been buying on eBay for 11 years and have never been in this situation before. Is there anything else I can do to get my refund or is it a matter of sitting tight and hoping that PayPal refunds me?


 Thank you for reading this far. 

Message 5 of 20
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Re: Seller cancelled the sale after I paid but hasn't refunded my money.

@not.the.kingswood wrote:

It has long been known - one case at a time.

Really! Glad you have a handle on everthing eBay related.

Some of us don't spend our time belittling others. Go away.


I was going to reply to your latest post until I saw this, you admit to not being aware of eBay's policies but shoot down a member pointing them out............sheesh.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 6 of 20
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Re: Seller cancelled the sale after I paid but hasn't refunded my money.

Sounds like the seller has neglected to sign up to the new Managed Payments system which has been in place for 2 years. For anyone not signed up and verified, their funds stay as pending until they send the item (or cancel). But it's really not that complicated for them - they simply have to hit cancel and you will get a refund. 


In general, you are supposed to wait until the last day after the ETA to open a case, but why would you open up a Paypal case when they Ebay case hadn't even played out? How did you think that would benefit you?


Going forward - do not cancel the PP case. Since the seller will not upload a tracking number, you should be refunded through them. It may take several days beyond the 21st, but just sit tight. 

Did you fund the purchase purely through Paypal, or did you use a credit card through Paypal?

Message 7 of 20
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Re: Seller cancelled the sale after I paid but hasn't refunded my money.

Not to worry padi, it was the 'tone' of the response.

Message 8 of 20
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Re: Seller cancelled the sale after I paid but hasn't refunded my money.

I didn't look to see what the ETA was but got anxious fearing that I'd just thrown $350 away.


As a buyer I wasn't aware that I shouldn't have opened a PayPal case. Even as a seller I wasn't aware of it but I sure learned the hard way.


I funded purely through PayPal. 


Message 9 of 20
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Re: Seller cancelled the sale after I paid but hasn't refunded my money.

@not.the.kingswood wrote:


As a buyer I wasn't aware that I shouldn't have opened a PayPal case. Even as a seller I wasn't aware of it but I sure learned the hard way.


You are probably extremely lucky that Paypal isn't aware that you opened disputes with both parties.


In the past when Paypal and eBay were together, they routinely closed both disputes if this happened.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 10 of 20
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