Sellers not putting adequate descriptions

Smiley FrustratedI am seriously looking to buy quite a bit of clothing for my daughter who lives remotely, and needs new work clothes for a new high level job. I am absolutely astounded at the number of sellers who do not put any descrption, or practically nothing, in their ad. I have just looked at 19 items - ALL but 2 had NO measurements. some just say size - L. 'L' covers a hell of a lot of different sizes... is it Large Ladies, Large Plus, just what? I need to know measurements to match to my daughter's measurements. Sizes are hopeless. Even myself, I have tops in my closet sized 10, right through to 20. Yet most are the same measurements. Some don't state what the colour is - is it navy/black/brown, or cream/white? One had no size at all - just said 'average'. Boy - is it frustrating having to ask every seller the questions - with allot of then NOT replying. Now - I just won't bother, and will only buy from sellers who give enough details to know what you are buying. Do sellers understand that they are losing buyers? Last year I - stupidly as it turned out - bought a top from overseas (China). Size said bust 114cms. Thought that would be huge enough... Arrived - measured 94cms. When I questioned the seller, he told me this was 'chinese measurments'. I thought a cm was a cm no matter where you lived in the world. Obviously not. So now i will only buy from Aust sellers - but sounds stupid, but BOY - is it hard to get rid of my money!!

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Re: Sellers not putting adequate descriptions

Honored Contributor

Someone who wants to sell will put more than enough in the listing

to describe the item.     Even the faults.


Sellers are leaving themselves wide open for negs otherwise.


You are doing the right thing by ignoring the ones who just don't care  IMO

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Re: Sellers not putting adequate descriptions

I put measurements in all my listings in both imperial and metric, unfortunately I am not going to post using my selling ids so I can't help LOL.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
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Re: Sellers not putting adequate descriptions

There's a gazillion clothing sellers. Move on from the ones that clearly don't want to sell their items. There are plenty of others who do.

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Re: Sellers not putting adequate descriptions

I gave up buying clothes on ebay it got all too hard having to ask question after question, for most sellers.
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Re: Sellers not putting adequate descriptions

needs new work clothes for a new high level job


Maybe she should consider buying herself NEW clothes from a real shop.


Certainly likely to present a more professional, 'high level' look than second hand stuff bought online; sight, size and fit unseen.

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Re: Sellers not putting adequate descriptions

Agree. If living remotely means no local stores for the appropriate clothing, I would suggest a large, online retailer which delivers quickly and carries smart clothes. Would mean clothes could be exchanged if sizing did not suit, also. A couple spring to mind. Start with M, or D J...


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
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Re: Sellers not putting adequate descriptions

I have bought a lot of clothes on eBay, most fit, but you do need reliable measurements or to know a brand well. A cm is certainly a cm 😉


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
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