Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

A day or so after our PM and Brandis came across as dills for not being able to explain their own policies. Abetz has come out and told us all that there is a link between breast cancer and abortion.


Is there ANY intelligence to be found in ANY individual in our current government?


Did they specifically recruit the dumbest possible candidates to sit in cabinet or what?




Message 1 of 62
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Re: Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

What an embarrassment Woman Surprised

Message 2 of 62
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Re: Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

Hey, hang on there, ladies. The research goes back to the NINETEENFIFTIES!!!!!!!!!!!! That's got to carry some weight 😉

Message 3 of 62
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Re: Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

@i-need-a-martini wrote:

A day or so after our PM and Brandis came across as dills for not being able to explain thes. Abetz has come out and told us all that there is a link between breast cancer and abortion.


Is there ANY intelligence to be found in ANY individual in our current government?


Did they specifically recruit the dumbest possible candidates to sit in cabinet or what?




I reckon it's not just dumb, it's dangerous. The likes of abetz and that ultra-conservative fool andrews are in a privIleged position to contribute to, formulate and implement Government policy. It's scary to think that people with these views are allowed anywhere near policy-making.  And abbott just brushes it off and chuckles like a father telling off his favourite child.

prostate cancer ribbon Pictures, Images and Photos
Message 4 of 62
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Re: Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

The Employment Minister has been corrected by Health Minister Peter Dutton, who says the medical evidence is clear.

"It is obvious there is no link between abortion and breast cancer. The medical evidence needs to be the driver in this area," he told reporters in Brisbane.

The country's peak medical body, the Australian Medical Association (AMA), says Dr Lanfranchi's theories are rubbish and has labelled Senator Abetz's comments irresponsible and ideological.


As irritating as it is, what on earth is he doing spouting this stuff??

I can categorically deny I have ever had an abortion, not sure about other family members but I suspect my 18 yo cousin hasn't............... and not very likely my aunt did either, she had too many children to have had time for one..................

Message 5 of 62
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Re: Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

I had an aunt and a sister in law, who both died from breast cancer.


They in fact, had had an abortion earlier in life.  


They each also wore a Size 6 shoe.


One was blonde one was brunette.





Message 6 of 62
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Re: Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

If we are to follow certain thinking, then it was the shoes.


No disrespect to your aunt and sister in law meant in that comment.

Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light.
Message 7 of 62
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Re: Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

That was my point, Channy.Smiley Very Happy





Message 8 of 62
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Re: Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

Funny, when I read that I thought he sounded like one of hose nutters that still believes in a link between autism and vaccinations and thats what they compared it to in the interview. There's probably plenty of politicains, and people in general, that believe that kind of stuff for one reason or another but its pretty silly to put it out there publicly.


On the other hand though, it gets people talking about these wild theories and hopefully gets some truth out there as well.



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Message 9 of 62
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Re: Abetz: Breast cancer linked to abortion.

@punch*drunk wrote:


On the other hand though, it gets people talking about these wild theories and hopefully gets some truth out there as well.



But some will believe anything. Right wingers seem to take as gospel anything that their loony leaders tell them.


Climate warming is a good example.

Message 10 of 62
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