Did you know

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S. C. Johnson and Johnson baby powder contains asbestos and they have been keeping it a secret for forty years
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Re: Did you know

If so, that is a big concern.

I think baby powder has had health concerns raised about it for over 30 years as I can recall friends who were pregnant then talking about it & saying how the news reports had advised against baby talc. The reason wasn't asbestos, I forget exactly what it was.

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Re: Did you know

its just a theory but as asbestos was so widely used back in the 50's thru the 70's i'm guissing there are particles of asbestos everywhere, in the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe.


just because we banned it didnt make it vanish from the enviroment.


look at this 'ban the straw' movement. if we ban straws today, i predict there will be straws out in the enviroment for many many years.


the whole get rid of throw away plastics is a good idea.

but i really think first things to fix are the things we cannot recycle.

then make the recycling of what we can recycle a priority!

the reason we have so much carp in the enviroment, its got no value, when something has no value we throw it away.


here in south oz we put a value on drink bottles, 10 cents, now you never see drink bottles in the enviroment cos they have value!

Message 3 of 25
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Re: Did you know

@davidc4430 wrote:



here in south oz we put a value on drink bottles, 10 cents, now you never see drink bottles in the enviroment cos they have value!

We had bottle deposits in Victoria in the 70's, too - I've very fond memories of struggling up to the milk bar with a dozen or so empty 1 litre Coke bottles, and splurging the refunds on chocolates, chips, or icy-poles. And you'd actively keep an eye out for dumped ones - money for nothing!

Message 4 of 25
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Re: Did you know

Community Member
Victoria is the roadside litter capital of Australia
Message 5 of 25
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Re: Did you know

@marwi5023 wrote:
S. C. Johnson and Johnson baby powder contains asbestos and they have been keeping it a secret for forty years

It's been known for years to cause cancers. Perhaps it's partially due to asbestos.


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Message 7 of 25
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Re: Did you know

According to the American Cancer Society,  all talcum products used in the home in the US have been asbestos-free since the seventies. Please provide a definitive link where Johnson Baby Powder contains asbestos.


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