Gladys should have shut down earlier

NSW had a lot to learn from Victorians.  I wish them the best  but why did it take Gladys a month to realise that pussyfooting around this would do her no favors.


Now it looks like Morrison is throwing her under the bus too, as he does with everyone.

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Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

Gladys ducks and weaves everyday in front of the press. Blames everyone for her incompetence. Meanwhile, Scott is pressuring the states to re-open in the hope it will aid him and his corrupt cronies get re-elected. He cites the magic figure of 70%-80% of the adult population being vaccinated as the way forward to re-opening the country/economy. In the U.K. where 77% of the adult population is vaccinated, between 100-120 people are dying every day from covid. Adjusting for the population difference, Scott is happy to see about 350 Australians die every week so he can grace us with his incompetence and corruption for another 3 years.

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Message 40 of 286
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Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

Without making any political statement, I certainly thought at the onset of this outbreak in Sydney that hard and fast was the way to go. I think Dr Chant underestimated the infectiousness of the Delta variant and gave advice based on the assumption that the contact tracers could get ahead of the virus's generations of transmission... and they couldn't.


Delta is a game-changer.



I feel very sorry for what Sydneysiders are experiencing. We Melbournians know from hard experience how debilitating and awful an extended lockdown is. The curfew, the 5km from home, the 4 essential reasons, the highly restricted list of essential workers, the masks, the no visitors, the no weddings, the capped-at-10 funerals... those were imposed on us for lengthy periods. We were under such tight restrictions for so long, and all the while the original Wuhan strain was ravaging our communities and causing hundreds of deaths. I don't know whether anyone but those who went through it last year in Melbourne can possibly understand the full weight of what we experienced. But with Delta... it's worse. It infects like wildfire. It's a more dangerous variant than even the Alpha (Kent) variant.


As bad as the Sydney outbreak is, the NSW restrictions are still not as bad as the worst that we've borne. At least NSW's contact tracers really are superb (but I think they are overwhelmed in the current circumstances), and it's no secret that Victoria's contact tracing team was not up to scratch at all last year.


We've all learned a lot from that bad experience. Victoria's now got an excellent contact tracing team in place, and we know that short, sharp, hard and fast is the way to stop Delta from overwhelming the community. Best of luck, Sydney and beyond. No one is saying it's easy; you'll just have to abide within the health restrictions to beat this thing.

Message 2 of 286
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Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

It took Glad a lot longer to realise conman Daryl (Maguire) wasn’t the best taste or judgment on her part…thousand rorted out of millions and NSW taxpayers footing a bill for 30 million plus for land worth less than 5 million. Let’s face it her capacity for good judgement leaves a lot to be desired.  2 months and counting not to mention the loss to NSW residents and businesses, emotionally, mentally and financially due to a wishy washy lockdown applied. It’s done nothing but prolonged the pain NSW has to endure. The back stabbers in her party probably wouldn’t let her do anything else. There are those in the party who openly say just stop the lockdown, people are going to die let it happen. Compassionate and caring bunch who bow to the money God. And all the song and dance about other states not giving us their vaccines when Glad openly scoffed in interview and stated ‘it’s not going to happen” when asked if she would redirect NSW vaccines to VIC during their big lockdown. Short memories these pollies, or is it convenient memories, since Glad says she remembers none of her incriminating conversations or pillow talk with conman Daryl. ScoMo only ever comes out for a possible photoshoot then scurries back under the rock or to Hawaii. Never around when it counts. Perhaps he also ‘only forgot’ to order enough safe vaccines to vaccinate Australians, must have just slipped his mind. But of course now it’s our fault, it’s all a joke! He tried to save a few pennies now it’s costing billions. Good one! Meanwhile NSW burns while Nero plays his fiddle. OMG not a capacity to make a decision between them. If NSW residents can get through the 400 page manual for what you can do in the NSW lockdown (yes it really is that complex and convoluted) they may have an idea of what they can or cannot do…but likely it will take at least a month to follow that so staying put, going nowhere, keeping fingers crossed and hoping something will get better is all that’s left.

Message 3 of 286
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Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

@countessalmirena wrote:

Without making any political statement, ...


Message 4 of 286
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Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

"Wish all New South Welshmen & Women all the best,  Australia is with you".


Feel very sorry for them, and can't imagine how they are handling their restrictions and shutdowns. I would find it very hard, and I am retired, so being at home is not an issue for me. Hope they all get back up fighting and punching their way through this terrible situation.


Would not like Gladys's  job in a million years. They couldn't pay me enough!


Nobody is saying that any of our leaders are perfect and haven't made mistakes, (who hasn't), but we are only hearing what is reported and perhaps there is more behind the scenes than we know.

We should be grateful that there are people in our communities that are willing to stand up and take the heat, if people are unhappy then perhaps they should get out there and do something to help.


Reminded of the saying, "there but for the grace of God go I". 




Message 5 of 286
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Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

The NSW premier constantly attacked Queensland for acting hard and fast;  now we all know who was right and who was wrong.  

Message 6 of 286
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Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

But don't forget not locking down worked for NSW with previous strains of covid. Now the new strain moves faster than before it appears more will have to suffer financially for those that don't.

Message 7 of 286
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Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

Just facts….

Message 8 of 286
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Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

Thank you for your well wishes, we are going to need it with the numbers today.


I wouldn’t like that job either but when you take it on you need to be honest and ethical and sadly too many no longer are. There is a record of really questionable behaviours and decisions that only get a response of ‘I don’t recollect’ or ‘I don’t remember’, seriously should we be trusting those with such poor memories.


Thank you again NSW doing it tough and it doesn’t look to be getting better soon. Best wishes to all the other parts of AU also. We know how quickly the Delta variant moves and infects. This started with 1 community transmission in Bondi, now thousands and increasing daily Community Transmissions and deaths. It is deadly, fast and absolutely has to be contained quickly. Sadly NSW didn’t.


Hard and fast less loss and pain, and death. But here we are…stay home, stay safe and get vaccinated if you can 😞😷

Message 9 of 286
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Re: Gladys should have shut down earlier

@hannahmallory wrote:

NSW had a lot to learn from Victorians.  I wish them the best  but why did it take Gladys a month to realise that pussyfooting around this would do her no favors.


Now it looks like Morrison is throwing her under the bus too, as he does with everyone.

Hindsight always gives 20/20 vision though.

I think most people in Melbourne, knowing it was the delta variant too, thought NSW should have been locking down much harder and faster. Personally, my family was amazed at 'lockdown lite' as we called it at the beginning.


But the thing is, Gladys was dealing with a different electorate and one that had seen her partial lockdowns very successful. Again, personally, I think they were just very lucky a couple of the times.

Their contact tracing may have been great but it alone won't do the job, for the simple fact it is acting after the fact. People with covid have usually already had a chance to spread it before being diagnosed and with the delta variant, it seems to spread quicker so any contact tracers would really have their work cut out for them.

So Gladys took a chance to keep things open as long as possible and this time she lost the gamble. You can't win them all and people in NSW were happy enough when the gambles paid off so it isn't really fair to come down on her too hard because I suspect most people in NSW weren't of a mind set to go into hard lockdown at the start either.


Regardless, they are in lockdown now and really and truly, it is working. The numbers today may seem high. 239 new cases. But they are to be congratulated. I put up our Vic figures a while ago for last year so i won't do it again, but basically, our daily figures spiralled up a lot faster. NSW is consistently keeping the numbers well under 400 each day and often WELL below that. It is good news.

NSW will be able to get this under control no worries if they keep up with the lockdown. It won't happen overnight but it will happen. Keep the faith!

Message 10 of 286
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