Level 713 Rescue pet =D



what level is everyone else up to?

Message 1 of 70
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Re: I got past level 735 now.. rescue pet.. yeh!

Nothing like candy crush

Message 51 of 70
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Re: I got past level 735 now.. rescue pet.. yeh!

Give a rat's.


It just didn't belong on the seller's board


How many times now?


If you read from the start, this thread makes no sense at all because

the mod combined all of them into one.

Message 52 of 70
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Re: I got past level 735 now.. rescue pet.. yeh!

well i'd like to promote the Greyhound Adoption Program, they rehome ex racing greyhounds.


i got my first ever greyhound about 6 years ago and he is just the most perfect, gentle well behaved dog i've ever had, and theres been a lot in my 56 years.


he lives with my cat who is now 4 years old so was here as a kitten doing all the crazy things kittens do and he's never once taken more than a slight interest in her. she walks all over him. try that with most dogs, you'll be at the vets getting your cat put back together most times.


looking for a dog, give GAP a call in your state. they have websites, take a look.

Message 53 of 70
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Re: I got past level 735 now.. rescue pet.. yeh!

I have a feeling each RSPCA may operate autonomously under their own rules and with their own restrictions with regards to capabilities so to speak and the one in tippy's area just may not be the best - possibly even related to lack of funding ?

Message 54 of 70
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Re: I got past level 735 now.. rescue pet.. yeh!

You could be right as there is one town that is shutting alot of business's down due to a lack of who knows what?

Message 55 of 70
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Re: I got past level 735 now.. rescue pet.. yeh!

@davidc4430 wrote:

well i'd like to promote the Greyhound Adoption Program, they rehome ex racing greyhounds.


i got my first ever greyhound about 6 years ago and he is just the most perfect, gentle well behaved dog i've ever had, and theres been a lot in my 56 years.


he lives with my cat who is now 4 years old so was here as a kitten doing all the crazy things kittens do and he's never once taken more than a slight interest in her. she walks all over him. try that with most dogs, you'll be at the vets getting your cat put back together most times.


looking for a dog, give GAP a call in your state. they have websites, take a look.

Our son has had two dogs rehomed via the Gap program,good.gif

Message 56 of 70
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Re: I got past level 735 now.. rescue pet.. yeh!

@mbselections00 wrote:

I have a feeling each RSPCA may operate autonomously under their own rules and with their own restrictions with regards to capabilities so to speak and the one in tippy's area just may not be the best - possibly even related to lack of funding ?

It's not just my local one, there are many around the country who don't give a stuff. It's not due to lack of funding because they are running at a rather high profit (which isn't bad given they are meant to be a non profit organisation). The big issue is it's more about lining the pockets of the big wigs rather than the welfare of animals. There have been countless media stories regarding their lack of interest when it comes to severe animal cruelty. It's very wide spread. Unfortunately, people get sucked into the ads on TV where they promote a caring attitude. Even most of the hands on staff are over it.

Message 57 of 70
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Re: I got past level 735 now.. rescue pet.. yeh!

Well, I'll have to take you're word for it as I've personally never had anything to do with them Smiley Happy


  BUT, I have had a couple of really bad experiences with the Emergency Animal Welfare mob / Local Council Emergency / Police in the middle of the night with regards injured animals - no-one gives a toss in the middle of the night !! Even after explaining the animal is injured - in pain (not to mention the state my daughter was in !)  It was a fox, had it been a domestic dog, they'd have been out like a shot, but 'feral' wildlife, no-one would come.  They told us to put it in the car and drive to a 24hour place over 50 minutes away, yep that's right, put a wild fox in our car.  The police would not even come and put it out of it's misery.


So far as I'm concerned, they're ALL talk and no action when it comes to injured animals - why discriminate between domestic and wild, they are all animals.  I do agree re-homing is probably a different ball game.

Message 58 of 70
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Re: I got past level 735 now.. rescue pet.. yeh!

Hello, everyone. I'd like to remind you that being courteous to each other is essential for the harmony of this forum. Please read the policy here: http://pages.ebay.com.au/help/policies/everyone-boards.html Thanks. 🙂

Message 59 of 70
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Re: I got past level 735 now.. rescue pet.. yeh!

@mbselections00 wrote:
It was a fox, had it been a domestic dog, they'd have been out like a shot, but 'feral' wildlife, no-one would come.  They told us to put it in the car and drive to a 24hour place over 50 minutes away, yep that's right, put a wild fox in our car.  The police would not even come and put it out of it's misery.

I have always lived in country towns,carry an iron bar in the boot of my car and I've had to use it a few times


to dispose of injured animals as well as using other methods.


Each animal was beyond help IMO and it was more humane to end their lives,(each animal had been hit by a


car or truck).


I wouldn't hesitate if it was a fox,rabbit,wild cat or wild dog as they are all pests that should be eliminated.


When you see the destruction they cause you don't see them as animals.









Message 60 of 70
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