More now going home than arriving

600 refugees choose to go home this month as the could not become Australian citizens , which just go,s to show they were not in fear of their life's and were nothing more than economic refugees who were tying up valuable resources that could have been helping real refugees.

Maybe now some of the bleeding hearts might see there is a large number of people using the back door to migrate to countries that they cannot migrate to via the proper channels
Message 1 of 52
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Re: More now going home than arriving

they "choose to go home this month as the(y) could not become Australian citizens" and this proves what? "nothing more than economic refugees" - please supply something that backs your claim  - besides an opinion.

Message 2 of 52
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Re: More now going home than arriving

Community Member

Yes but you won't see any relief from the rusty left on here, no relief that the inundation of illegal immigrants has stopped. 


100 days and no  immigrant has illegally accessed their way into the country.


Bob Carr,  even thought it pains me tp say it,  he was the only Labor politician willing to tell us the truth. These people were country shopping.

Message 3 of 52
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Re: More now going home than arriving

There will always be 1.5% of the population who support cruelty to other people, unfortunately.

Message 4 of 52
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Re: More now going home than arriving

This week on the country shopping channel-Capt. James Cook.
Message 5 of 52
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Re: More now going home than arriving

@just_me_karen wrote:
There will always be 1.5% of the population who support cruelty to other people, unfortunately.

the same 1.5% that can't back up claims with facts? Woman Wink

Message 6 of 52
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Re: More now going home than arriving

I think that would be 100% of the 1.5%, a similar ratio to the number who pull wings off flies.
Message 7 of 52
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Re: More now going home than arriving

I'm not your **bleep**ing secretary you want to call me a lier then do your own research to back it up.
If you think theses people who are using the system to pervert the immigration rules based solely on economic grounds are to be supported or pitied or that by rightfully challenging them makes us uncaring or evil then I think you are a major part of the problem as it is you who are driving the abuse of the system

It's time that the United Nations took action on people clogging the system for nothing more than financial gain these people should be placed on a register and if caught trying to claim refugee status again they should've shipped home without the right to have there claims assessed as that has already happened , this would the free up time to process those who are truly at risk and genuinely need our help.

Call me heartless if that's what makes you feel superior to me but at the end of the day I know I am right and a great deal of these people are taking us for fools
Message 8 of 52
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Re: More now going home than arriving

@silverfaun wrote:

100 days and no  immigrant has illegally accessed their way into the country.

How do you know this?  Evidence please.

Message 9 of 52
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Re: More now going home than arriving

@kilroy_is_here wrote:
600 refugees choose to go home this month as the could not become Australian citizens , which just go,s to show they were not in fear of their life's and were nothing more than economic refugees who were tying up valuable resources that could have been helping real refugees.

Maybe now some of the bleeding hearts might see there is a large number of people using the back door to migrate to countries that they cannot migrate to via the proper channels

would you have a link to this please?

I know, you aren't my secretary but I can't find one myself....and I did try. I like to verify facts before I make any comment on them.

Message 10 of 52
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