More now going home than arriving

600 refugees choose to go home this month as the could not become Australian citizens , which just go,s to show they were not in fear of their life's and were nothing more than economic refugees who were tying up valuable resources that could have been helping real refugees.

Maybe now some of the bleeding hearts might see there is a large number of people using the back door to migrate to countries that they cannot migrate to via the proper channels
Message 1 of 52
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More now going home than arriving

give me a bleeding heart over a bleeding brain .. 

should we be mad at howard ? most stayed you know.

on the topic of sri lankans the immigration dept have it wrong.

Message 21 of 52
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More now going home than arriving

Woman WinkI think if you keep this up, we will get a post from the mod again!

Message 22 of 52
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More now going home than arriving

1 month 2 months. Or three months makes no difference 600 low life's tried to take us for fools and stole places in the Que. from some one who may well have really needed it how many true refugees have died why theses scum have tried to buy their way through the back door.

If this doesn't make you angry then maybe it is you who need to look at your compassion for those truly in need
Message 23 of 52
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@kilroy_is_here wrote:
1 month 2 months. Or three months makes no difference 600 low life's tried to take us for fools and stole places in the Que. from some one who may well have really needed it how many true refugees have died why theses scum have tried to buy their way through the back door.

If this doesn't make you angry then maybe it is you who need to look at your compassion for those truly in need

?? it makes a difference if you are doing a google search 🙂


I don't get angry  very often. I also seem to have a different definition of a "low life"

Message 24 of 52
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@nero_wulf wrote:

@polksaladallie wrote:

You are lucky, Azure.  I am still waiting for a reply to my question.

 Research and reading  is not a strong point it seems


Try reading post  11, 13 15 and 17   really its NOT that hard..... 


and this tread  99 days since last successful people smuggling venture

100 days and no  immigrant has illegally accessed their way into the country

This is what I questioned, in post 3.   No answer yet.


Message 25 of 52
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More now going home than arriving

I'm just so glad tony got rid of Gonski. Who needs thinkers in Australia? Pfft, it's so much easier repeating what Dear Leader tells me.

Thanks for the tip about compassion. I have it now, after reading your post.
Message 26 of 52
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More now going home than arriving

600 refugees choose to go home this month


Kilroy, get your story straight.


They were not refugees, they were asylum seekers.

Two different classifications.

Of the 600 less than half left willingly.

Message 27 of 52
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More now going home than arriving

Community Member

It's not even the 55,000 who accessed Australia illegally, not even the $ billions of dollars they cost the Australian people.


What is it then that made so many people incensed at this border policy dismantling and the ongoing catatrophic failure??


The lies, the lies they spoke every day, about push factors and pull factors,  and all the other lies to cover up the fact that they failed Australia, failed to protect Australia, failed to do anything about it and lied to cover it up.


That's the biggest problem Australians have with this whole sorry failure, when it needn't have happened, shouldn't have happened and when, inevitably, it did happen, they were paralysed to stop it so they lied.


typo edited by me.

Message 28 of 52
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More now going home than arriving

I dont believe Kilroy has any issue at all with the genuine refugees or asylum seekers.

 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 29 of 52
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More now going home than arriving

@kilroy_is_here wrote:
600 refugees choose to go home this month as the could not become Australian citizens , which just go,s to show they were not in fear of their life's and were nothing more than economic refugees who were tying up valuable resources that could have been helping real refugees.

Maybe now some of the bleeding hearts might see there is a large number of people using the back door to migrate to countries that they cannot migrate to via the proper channels

And btw, not staying in detention for ever does not mean they are not genuine refugees.

Message 30 of 52
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