Muslims Immigrating to Australia

Do you have anything against it?




What about other religions? Buddhists and Christians, are they ok?


Comments welcome 🙂

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Re: Muslims Immigrating to Australia

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

In the mid 19th century we were going to be dominated by Irish Catholics and forced into submission to the Pope - or  overrun by the 'Yellow Peril" (the Chinese on the Goldfields.)


In1918 the journalist Charles Bean lobbied aginst Monash being made commander of the Australian corps on the grounds that "We do not want Australia represented by men mainly because of their ability, natural and inborn in Jews, to push themselves.'


During the Cold War it was Communists who were going to take over the country.


In the mid 1990s Pauline Hanson declared in her maiden speech  "I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians. They have their own culture and religion, form ghettoes and do not assimilate"


Now it is the turn of the Muslims.


Nothing changes except the names of the Bogeymen.


Hands up anyone here who has been

genitally muilated,

forced into an arranged marriage

obliged to attend a mosque or turn towards Mecca and pray to Allah five times a day

ordered by a court to seek permission from her husband before leaving the house.


Of course some cultural practices are repugnant - female circumcision for example, is illegal in Australia - but because we are a democracy , any aspects of Sharia Law that contravine the present legal rights of Australian citizens could only come into force  if  THE MAJORITY of Australians voted for a government prepared to enact the necessary legislation


Given the percentage of fundamentalist Muslims currently living in Australia, the tendency of later generations to abandon the more extreme cultural practices of their antecedents and the gradual secularisation of Australian Society  I suspect that day may be as long coming as the Papist takeover. 

You forgot that Italians and greeks in the 50's......who are now assimilated (bahahaha)


Scaring people is a perfect tool to deliver your message, works with everything from refugees to global warming. The key is to overestimate any problem and make it sound worse than it will be.

Message 91 of 108
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Re: Muslims Immigrating to Australia

@crikey*mate wrote:

"why are we doing deals with these people through military ties and selling them live animals?"



That was a rhetorical question, wasn't it?


You didn't really need someone to explain that to you, did you?

Were silverfauns questions rhetorical?



Message 92 of 108
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Re: Muslims Immigrating to Australia

@crikey*mate wrote:

@azureline** wrote:

You are right..... I should have said civil matters.......... not domestic. It would never be allowed to over ride criminal law (IMO) I can't know that but I can have an opinion on it, just like you?


As for circumcision, again, there are many groups who oppose male circumcision and call it mutilation, in Australia but for now it's legal.

I had no idea it was being an apologist or excusing anything, to involve myself in a discussion, about any subject, without applying hatred or loathing of any group of people, in that discussion.

none of that came from me.


but yes, it would also penetrate criminal law, including penalties and incarceration, as the very essence of criminal law is "intent" and intent is often subjective and based on intravariable variables such as belief and values and this is viewed differently between the laws, so division would occur and the equality of society would erode rather than merge.




Actually you can no more state that as fact than the person who stated it would only be civil matters.  I would suggest it more likely that it will not penetrate criminal matters because if it is ever allowed into Australia the conditions and guidelines would disallow Sharia Law from penetrating criminal matters.   If ever it is allowed it would be a limited version.  


Personally, I don't see the need.


Message 93 of 108
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Re: Muslims Immigrating to Australia

@topsidesoul wrote:

@icyfroth wrote:

@topsidesoul wrote:

@crikey*mate wrote:

"why are we doing deals with these people through military ties and selling them live animals?"


That was a rhetorical question, wasn't it?


You didn't really need someone to explain that to you, did you?

Rhetorical? No, it seems for the loudest, their shock only goes as deep as their pockets or favourite political parties policies.


? What do you mean re "favourite political parties policies"?


Both political parties (lib/lab) have signed off on live exports.


Yes, you are pointing out exactly what I said and getting defensive, both parties.....I typed 'parties'.



 I wanted someone so shocked that this happens in 'progressive countries like Saudi Arabia'  to display the hypocrisy.


Why Saudi Arabia? What's the percentage of asylum seekers from Saudi Arabia?


Why Saudi Arabia, because we are happy to ignore the treatment of women there if it fills our coffers.What percentage of Asylum seekers favour sharia law BTW? If you tune into 2GB it would seem they have polled that most do.


Also if your wife ever wants to holiday there she nees her husbands permission.


That's the law of their land, and should be respected. As we should expect the law of our land to be respected.

 Where did I say not respecting our law of the land and what percentage of overseas people do not respect our law of the land?

I was pointing out we ignore immoral things when its in our best interests.Hate the treatment of woman, travel to Abu Dhabi and ignore its the international sex slave trade capital of the world.



Know what? It's not our problem what happens in Abu Dhabi with regards to how they treat their  women and their involvement in the sex slave treatment.


Our problem is to keep it out of Australia!


Message 94 of 108
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Re: Muslims Immigrating to Australia

Know what? It's not our problem what happens in Abu Dhabi with regards to how they treat their  women and their involvement in the sex slave treatment.


Our problem is to keep it out of Australia!


And as I pointed out Australia is a democracy -  our government is elected by the people, and everyone over the age of 18 is eligible to cast a vote. If we all end up in burquas and our daughters end up in brothels, it won't be because we were coerced into it, it will be because we voted to allow it to happen.

Message 95 of 108
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Re: Muslims Immigrating to Australia





Know what? It's not our problem what happens in Abu Dhabi with regards to how they treat their  women and their involvement in the sex slave treatment.


Our problem is to keep it out of Australia!



Not only hypocritical but at a time when we hear shouts of 'christian values' shoudl return to schools and the general public  ...saying ' bad things are not our problem because it is not happening here' is very unchristian.


We should be saying, not here and I'm not doing business with you, if we say we do not agree with it.


The same people should never utter stereotypes of forced burkas and female mutilation to score political points when they simply dont care.

Message 96 of 108
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Re: Muslims Immigrating to Australia

it's called "sovereign borders" topside.


We worry about what happens in our countrly, they worry about theirs.

Message 97 of 108
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Re: Muslims Immigrating to Australia

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

Know what? It's not our problem what happens in Abu Dhabi with regards to how they treat their  women and their involvement in the sex slave treatment.


Our problem is to keep it out of Australia!


And as I pointed out Australia is a democracy -  our government is elected by the people, and everyone over the age of 18 is eligible to cast a vote. If we all end up in burquas and our daughters end up in brothels, it won't be because we were coerced into it, it will be because we voted to allow it to happen.

too right!

Message 98 of 108
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Re: Muslims Immigrating to Australia

if you are interested watch that.

Message 99 of 108
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Re: Muslims Immigrating to Australia

I just watched the docco @ your link.


and I recommend it to everyone here.



Message 100 of 108
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