My heart beaks

For that poor little innocent baby tossed away like a sack of garbage down the storm water drain. I can't get my head around how any Mother could do such a thing. Never having gone through PND I can't fogive her actions as a Mother wouldn't you call out for help before it came to this?



Message 1 of 193
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192 REPLIES 192

Re: My heart beaks

@daydream**believer wrote:

im expecting to hear that they are going to give the baby back to her or her family

DDB I hope and pray you are wrong.

Message 51 of 193
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Re: My heart beaks

The mother has been charged with attempted murder (refused bail), the baby won't be in her care again for a long time, if ever.


"A medical assessment was requested.'

Message 52 of 193
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Re: My heart beaks

At 30 yo it is not really the norm is it?

For some reason I am thinking mental impairment, not sure why...........

Message 53 of 193
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Re: My heart beaks

The pregnancy may have been hidden from the family.


There was a thread here recently about the same situation.


Until more details are revealed, it sounds like either a psychiatric condition of denial, or simply a hidden pregnancy.

Message 54 of 193
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Re: My heart beaks

@azureline** wrote:

At 30 yo it is not really the norm is it?

For some reason I am thinking mental impairment, not sure why...........

maybe because no mother wants to think another mother capable of such a thing so its easier to look for a mitigating reason, and what reason could be better than the over used and abused mental illness card that every defense lawyer trots out.

Message 55 of 193
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Re: My heart beaks

@*pepe wrote:

@azureline** wrote:

At 30 yo it is not really the norm is it?

For some reason I am thinking mental impairment, not sure why...........

maybe because no mother wants to think another mother capable of such a thing so its easier to look for a mitigating reason, and what reason could be better than the over used and abused mental illness card that every defense lawyer trots out.

Maybe.......... but at 30 yo I was more thinking she might be below the average IQ, as in well below 70.

There has to be a reason, even if it's just that she is a bad person.

It is sounding more like a hidden pregnancy, birth and disposal.

Message 56 of 193
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Re: My heart beaks

A policeman was stabbed and killed by a mother-son duo.  The hearing is currently underway


Quote:  "

Barbieri will not face the mandatory life sentence that applies for the murder of a police officer because of mental health issues.

The court heard that Fiona Barbieri was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia at the time and Mitchell Barbieri had experienced "a transferred delusional disorder" from his mother, who was the dominant member of their relationship " end quote







" The court has previously heard that Mitchell and Fiona Barbieri had engaged in a course of paranoid, delusional behaviour before, during and after the siege, which began when they clashed with their neighbour in the outer Sydney, semi-rural suburb of Oakville.


Mitchell Barbieri confronted Inspector Anderson, picked up a large kitchen knife and stabbed him twice as he stood next to the back door " end quote, Source same as above


" The court has previously heard " .....


Heard from whom?   The defence ?



So we have the claim that the mother suffers from paranoid schizophrenia


and reportedly, the son 'caught it '  from her, basically



Yet until they stabbed a police officer to death, was this pair of now 'mentally ill'  individuals functioning in society ?  Did they go shopping without stabbing people ?  Did they do their gardening without murdering neighbours and passers-by ?  How did they manage to obtain their driver's licences?   Did they pay their electricity etc. bills without going on murderous rampages ?  Did they attend doctors' appointments, dentists' appointments without stabbing other patients ?   Did they go to stores to buy themselves a new tv, new furniture, clothing, food, without raging around sticking knives into people ?  


My bet is, they functioned pretty well if not completely normally ---- until they were charged with murder and got themselves a legal team



The police officer is still dead.  His family probably isn't feeling too mentally stable knowing how their husband, father, brother, son died in the line of duty at the hands of a mother and son duo who will NOT face a mandatory life sentence for murdering a police officer because the mother reportedly suffers paranoid schizophrenia which her son 'caught' from her --- but which will NOT prevent him from engaging in relationships, marrying, having children and a LONG, happy life.


And what of the supposedly 'paranoid schizophrenic' mother ---- if she was SO murderous and SO able to 'infect' her son with her mental illness ----------------------------------- why wasn't that woman in a secure institution BEFORE she 'gave' her son her mental illness and BEFORE they murdered a police officer ?


Apparently, when a serious and violent crime is committed --- it's all because 'mental illness', drink, drugs and unhappy childhoods are to blame






Message 57 of 193
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Re: My heart beaks

Lawyers just can't trot out the mental illness card without statements supporting it from Medical Professionals. Didn't Oscar Pretorius try that and failed?


 Well they can trot it out, but if they don't have the medical statements supporting it, it won't be admissable.

Message 58 of 193
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Re: My heart beaks

This could be interesting to some.


This is the profile of neonaticide, the murder of a newborn in its first 24 hours of life, and a form of infanticide peculiar to industrialised countries. Most people in Australia have probably never heard of neonaticide. There is no separate provision for neonaticide in Australian law. People are either charged with manslaughter or murder, or more rarely infanticide.

Read more:

Message 59 of 193
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Re: My heart beaks

Mail Online has published photos of the family dwelling


It's also published photos of family members


and the media generally has reported several persons live at the address, along with the woman in custody



It doesn't look to be a particularly large dwelling -- maybe three bedrooms upstairs


Several people


A woman who went full term with her pregnancy



The family members drove to the court in vehicles


How did the woman in custody get from the home to the hospital to give birth ?


How did she get from the hospital to the family dwelling after the birth ?


Did she walk both ways ?



Not a large dwelling, containing several family members



Where did they imagine the baby had disappeared to ?



How did the woman in custody get from the family dwelling to the drain  (Sydney Morning Herald published an aerial photo earlier today, showing the location of the drain and surrounding highways etc) ?


How did she get from the drain and back to the family dwelling ?




Message 60 of 193
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