Obama To The Rescue of Saudi Arabia

In whose best interest is President Obama working for?

Well Saudi Arabia’s of course.

After both the US Senate and US House of Representatives unanimously passed the 9/11 law, known as the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act several weeks ago, President Barack Obama decided to veto the legislation.

The bill, widely supported in the US populace, would have allowed families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia in U.S courts.

Obama just saved the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from hundreds of law suits.

More importantly, Obama, with the stroke of a pen, helped suppress the truth behind 9/11, once again covering up of Saudi Arabia’s deep connection to Al Qaeda terrorists.

Perhaps if the American public finally got the whole truth about what the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is all about, they would not only demand justice for 9/11, but also not be so blind to the dangerous Syria narrative being pushed out by Obama and the main stream media.

Mr. Obama issued the veto behind closed doors on Friday without fanfare, reluctant to call attention to a debate that has pitted him against the families of terrorism victims. Not long before he did so, Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, who had previously backed the measure, confirmed that if she were in the Oval Office, she would sign it.

Donald J. Trump, the Republican nominee, also said he would have signed the bill, calling Mr. Obama’s veto “shameful.”


Which proves that Obama and his predecessor Bush are also complicit in the 9/11 bombing.
They needed a smoking gun to get approval from Congress and the American public to invade Iraq and kill off Hussein. Then to destabilise the whole of that region, get rid of Ghaddafi in Libya and now go for Assad in Syria.
They've unleashed a holocaust in the Middle East and set off a wave of refugees in numbers bigger than WW1 and WW2 combined.
Shame on Australia too, for being a central part of the recent bombings of the Syrian army engaged in battle with ISIS forces.

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Re: Obama To The Rescue of Saudi Arabia

if hillary becomes president she'll be no more successful than obama unless the democrats get control of the govt.


but if trump wins and the republicans still have control, start digging fallout shelters.

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Re: Obama To The Rescue of Saudi Arabia

@lind9650 wrote:

For all it is worth, here are my 2 cents.


Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton  ====== God help America, God help the rest of the world!


Neither one is capable of running a country for the benefit of its people or work toward peace and unity in this world.


It's a shame that America has only a limited time for the elected President.



After watching the debate it looks like Clinton sees the presidency as a public duty whilst Trump (by his answers on bankruptcy and  the GFC) see it as a purely a business opportunity.

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Re: Obama To The Rescue of Saudi Arabia


America has a population of 325 million people. Pitty they have only those two running for the Presidency.


Yes, Trump will make sure his finances grow.

Hillary will be the puppet for the Democratic Party.



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Re: Obama To The Rescue of Saudi Arabia

There were a lot more running for President at the start Erica.....they got down to these two by a very long process of elimination.

They need very deep pockets and a very thick skin to even want to be President, much less to get through all the months of campaigning.

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