Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

A 49 year old jogger is lucky to be alive after being mauled by some loose American Staffordshires this week. He was so badly injured that the paramedics could see through his chest to his heart. One of the dogs didn't even let go of the mans torso when a passerby trying to help smashed the dog over the head with a concrete pot.


Here is the article: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/dog-owner-fined-four-months-before-jogger-attacked-20130527-2n6p8.html


Yes I know any dog could be feral if in the wrong hands or if it is neglected. And yes I know that the stats show that a significant number of reported dog incidences come from dogs other than the dangerous breeds.



BUT! The ones that do the most damage are the one that bite and hang on while doing the death shake. And those breeds are well known. In NSW by far the biggest rate of attack occurs from breeds such as the animals in the article. 


So why not just ban them?


And why oh why would any sane person think that this type of dog is an acceptable pet? Particularly if they have children?

Message 1 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

@i-need-a-martini wrote:



How will you decide what breed a dog is? DNA testing?




You don't need DNA - the good thing about dogs is that you can already tell what breed they are just by looking at them. Thanks to the diligence of breeders all of their charactaristics are meticulously noted for us.


Wouldn't be too hard to make firm identifications.

You think so? Care to take this test and see if you can identify a Pit Bull?




The problem with BSL is that a lot of people who are enforcing this don't even know the difference between an Am Staff, English Staffy, and Pit Bulls and dogs are being targeted just for looking like a Pit Bull


You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means
Message 41 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

Hahaha got it correct in -1379840771 of a second!
No English Staffy though.
Message 42 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

I think I failed

"The first dog you picked was Bull Terrier. It took you 56 seconds, and 23 attempts to find the Pit. The dog most commonly picked is the Olde English Bulldogge, and the average time is -9613 seconds with 8 attempts."
Message 43 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

It took me ages to find it but then they all looked ugly.











Message 44 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

The first dog you picked was American Pit Bull Terrier. It took you 4 seconds, and 2 attempts to find the Pit. The dog most commonly picked is the Olde English Bulldogge, and the average time is -9591 seconds with 8 attempts.


I reckon it's a trick question though. An american pitt bull terrier would be a cross between a pittbull and a terrier wouldn't it?


"One of the pictures below is of an American pit bull terrier."



edit  :  well that is weird. I just read what a C&P'ed and it says the first dog I picked was an american  pit bull but it took me two attemps??

Message 45 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

The first dog you picked was . It took you -1379902041 seconds, and 1 attempt to find the Pit. The dog most commonly picked is the Olde English Bulldogge, and the average time is -9590 seconds with 8 attempts.


I just looked for the dog that I recall from the 'Little Rascals' show of years ago. That was a pitty.

To be perfectly candid I must admit that I find Staffies and the like to be a 'ugly' dog. One in particular is the one with the humped nose, the Bull Terrier. I'm sure they can be most loving dogs in the right hands however they are not ones I am attracted to. When we were in England there were some nasty dog attacks by Staffies and the like and a couple of those dogs were well loved and cared for family pets who had been allowed indoors, taken for walks and well treated. I guess you just never know do you?


Our next door neighbours have 2 Golden Retrievers peelapotata. Years ago they showed/bred them apparently but now that they are older they have given away that hard work instead just enjoying life with their beautiful dogs. Whilst out walking each evening I often run into them. So affectionate and gentle. Old people in particular tend to gravitate to these dogs, asking for pats and cuddles. There is a over 55 village nearby and many people have had to give away their dogs (only little lap dogs allowed at this place), so they enjoy the interaction they have with the Goldies.

One breed I am wary of is the Chihuahua. I find them to be very nasty, biting at ones heels and snarling and growling. One of my friends shows them and I am probably more frightened of visiting her than I am of someone who has a staffi. 


That's my take on this topic. Now if you were to ask me about Maine Coon cats I might be a bit more knowledgable. Woman Happy

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Message 46 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

I will say this again.....any dog which is just a set of jaws attached to a body is dangerous.

As Martini said....no amount of love and domesticity can override the genes and dna of these dogs.

It just  takes one unexpected situation to have the genes kick in......and then it is too late.

Message 47 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

@print-stuff-and-things wrote:

How will you decide what breed a dog is? DNA testing?

I am very sceptical about DNA testing for breeds; there is no such a thing as "breed gene" and considering that the stud books have only closed about 100 years ago, but in some circumstances in Australia allowed registration of animal without known parents up till the 1950s, it would be very difficult to be 100% sure.  I would be very surprised if there was much difference in genetic make up of staffie, amstaff and pitbull.  And yes, it is hard to tell just by looking at them;  in the test picture the pitbull was young and on slight side, and we could not see the actual size of the dog.  It would be much easier to assess a dog if you have it in front of you.  The problem with the crossbreeds is that you do not really know what is in the mix; if you have a pitbull X poodle, it may look more like poodle but still have the "attack instinct" of the pitbull, or it might look more like a pitbull but have temperament of poodle.  It is extremely difficult to tell what is in the crossbred dog's background, especially as most Xbreds are not just simple mixture of 2 breeds, but many generation of mutts.


Just like people who pay to have their genetic make up done.  Interestingly some very black people were told that they are mostly white and some pale people are told that they are 40% black or Asian.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 48 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

Well said super_nova!
I know a guy that bought a cocker spaniel from a rescue group dedicated to the breed.....
It turned into an Afgan hound! Lol
Message 49 of 78
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Re: Why can't we just make these types of dogs illegal? ?:|

One breed I am wary of is the Chihuahua


You should meet mine, mine are known for their good nature.  They are sweet and loving, a couple melt when they meet children.

Message 50 of 78
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