phone scammers ?

 I am well aware of the phone scammers that ring up and try to convince the person their computer has a virus and part with their money / and the endless other scams that go on.


Some months ago, hubby tells me he had been dealing with regarding computer problem (I do not know how the initial contact was made, but subsequently via phone, I believe )  and he was going to pay to have it fixed up.

I warned him of  scammers and phone calls regarding computer problems / viruses.  


Hubby said this was not a scam and he had paid and the computer was fixed (I have no idea of what that problem was supposed to be), and he had checked it out and it was genuine problem and a genuine company.    

I believe there was more than one call

I warned him again, hubby said he had it all under control, not to interfere,  it was genuine  and then I thought no more of it.


At the time I thought it was odd, and I asked hubby to let me deal with the company next time, but he said again not to interfere.


I was working at the time these call(s), so I did not deal with this myself apart from warning hubby.


I just had a phone call from a Indian sounding person, telling me my husband had paid money to scammers some months back and he was with an investigation bureau and he would try and get the money back and have the scammers closed down. The then said he would check the computer and asked me to be in front of my computer

At this point, I put the phone down, he rang back, I hung up again and have taken the phone off the hook.


I think hubby was silly enough to get scammed.


Has anyone else had what I assume is the scammers ringing back trying to have another go for some more money ??

What do you think ?


Are these scammers (I assume) brazen enough to have a second attempt ??







Message 1 of 11
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Re: phone scammers ?

Community Member

Sorry, but I think you are correct, Hubs has been scammed and the scammers have come back for another bite of the apple. Contact the relevant authorities. And take the telephone away from Hubby. And show him the scamwatch web site. Then maybe take the computer away from him too. LOL.

Message 2 of 11
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Re: phone scammers ?

I have never beesn scammed by the Virus on the Computer scam but they definitely will not take No for an answer.

I made it very clear to a young lady on Wednesday that I was not falling for her speil but I still had 2 more phone calls later that afternoon.

They have never been as persistent as that in the looks like they are getting desperate.

Message 3 of 11
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Re: phone scammers ?

Honored Contributor

 Just out of much did they ask for?

Message 4 of 11
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Re: phone scammers ?

The follow-up scam has been reported in the U.K. press, where there is a call purporting to be from an agency that can help reclaim stolen funds from the initial scam.

Hubby should try to remember exactly what he told the first caller.

Then notify your bank, full virus scan, change your passwords, etc.

Lyn, I had several calls over about two weeks, from what sounded like the same young lady.

She represented, in turn, Microsoft, "my" bank (asking me to tell her which, for security reasons ha ha), and a computer software firm.

The calls stopped when I was culturally impolite to her.


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 5 of 11
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Re: phone scammers ?

Ash, there was an ariticle in the paper concerning this very subject that I saw at the shops.  They are targeting our area at the moment big time doing exactly what you say happened to OH.  You should call and report the scam to the ACCC scam watch.

Message 6 of 11
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Re: phone scammers ?

They seem to come in waves. We've had none for a couple of months now, but before that we had a run of up to three a day over about  fortnight. If I'm feeling bored I sometimes string them along, but usually I just hang up as soon as they start their spiel.

Apparently one of the latest is where they say they've discovered child pornography on your computer and demand money either to ''clean it' or as hush money not to report you to the police. If I get that one, I plan to thank them for their interest ask them whether they prefer little girls or little boys and offer them a special deal.

Message 7 of 11
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Re: phone scammers ?

Lately I've had people calling me in their unmistakeable faux american accent offering to help me get compensation for the accident I had recently.


Except I didn't have an accident recently.

Message 8 of 11
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Re: phone scammers ?

I only had one of these calls in the past, I told them I didn't have a computer, they coughed and spluttered a bit over that and asked if I was sure I didn't. End of conversation.


I don't know why people do get sucked into believing some stranger somewhere can tell whether they have a computer  in their home and  that stranger can tell whether the persons computer has viruses etc.

Message 9 of 11
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Re: phone scammers ?

I have started to say No to every question they ask and they get sick of it and hang up.

Message 10 of 11
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