150 Free Listings using up automatic re-lists


It has taken a while for the penny to drop for me 🙂


It is obvious that these 150 free listings also use up the auto free re-listings and the listings usually disappear before we get new listings on.


Maybe, list as many new items on the first few days (don't leave them to the end or you've run out !!)  then, when you get to 150, the re-lists will just go back normal ... .or, remove the auto re-list from some of the items at the beginning, then you can re-list them at the end if you have enough freebie left.


Does this make sense ?    Maybe you've worked it out before, but I'm a slow learner 🙂

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Re: 150 Free Listings using up automatic re-lists

It was discussed in detail in the other thread for the latest 150 promotion. It was suggested to list everything before other relists start to occur from current active listings (basically what you said).

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Re: 150 Free Listings using up automatic re-lists


I think it might have been me who made that comment in the previous thread ?


I've just taken a while to think it through and this time I added a bit more detail .......... I told you I'm a slow learner .... 🙂

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Re: 150 Free Listings using up automatic re-lists

It's good advice though for those that are able to accept the 150 freebie promotion because it seems to be an ongoing issue with those. I know when it happened a few months ago with a 100 freebie promotion, once I worked out what was going on, I removed the option to auto relist and then when they ended, I relisted using the promotion. That way I got 3 new free relists. I knew I wasn't going to be able to use all the 100 any way, so it was a win win for me.

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Re: 150 Free Listings using up automatic re-lists


Good thinking !   We need to stay a couple of steps ahead of eBay to make it work for us 🙂

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