Change Name in Store Link

I have changed my store name in Manage My Store  but it has not changed in the URL. That is the same as before. Any advice?

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Re: Change Name in Store Link

Honored Contributor

Perhaps it's for previous customers to help them find you again.   ??


Maybe it will change after a given time to allow for that.


Otherwise   -  dunno

Message 2 of 9
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Re: Change Name in Store Link

Did you preview it and then click publish?

Message 3 of 9
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Re: Change Name in Store Link

Is it Fashion Tales now because that is your store name when people click onto the store 

Message 4 of 9
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Re: Change Name in Store Link

Yes published it and I just checked and  either of the names are coming up if I put it in  the Ebay Stores search box now and still the URL is the old name. I might have to do one of those exhausting customer services chats!Smiley LOL

Message 5 of 9
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Re: Change Name in Store Link

Yes should be Fashion Tales so it changed there on the page  but not in the URL link.

Message 6 of 9
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Re: Change Name in Store Link

Awesome store layout BTW



Message 7 of 9
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Re: Change Name in Store Link

The URL would change with the old store format, but won't with the new one. This is deliberate on eBay's part, as they said they didn't want buyer's saved links to break. 


I changed my business and store name a while ago and not having the URL update really bugged me, but I was never able to revert to the old store format (that option had stopped working by design, as in ebay don't want to support that store format anymore). Every few weeks or so, I'd still try, and then one day it actually worked.


This is a copy / paste of a post I made elsewhere mid-2019 telling the tale of what happened, I have no idea if this will work now, but I'm copy/pasting the whole tale because after I got over the initial satisfaction of changing the name, there were some... issues. Smiley LOL




Just nearly gave myself a heart attack thinking I wiped my entire store off the face of eBay 😱🤣 (Story time, maybe it will contain some info that will help someone else, if not, maybe it will entertain you lol). I changed my store name a couple of months ago, but the new store design doesn't update the URL, or any of the information in the listing frame, so my URL still had my old store name, and it was also displaying the old name at the top of all my listings, as well as my old logo. You used to be able to revert to the old store design, update all the necessary things, and then change back to the new store afterwards, but a while back they made it impossible to revert to the old...

Except today, I was trying to find a way to get rid of the old logo and business name at least on the listings (I need the store categories displayed there, but the only way to have them is to also have the header). And lo - somehow I got it to revert to the old store design (and by "somehow", I mean I clicked on the link that said "go back to old store", and for some reason it worked today when it hadn't for months). 'Neat!' I thought, I'll go in, update my name everywhere, change the logos and everything will be right with the world again. Except, suddenly my store didn't exist anywhere on eBay, and there was no way I could change back to the new design. 😟

I was able to get to the manage my store link through seller hub, and it would let me change names there (but not upload a new logo), but then every time I tried to access my store to change back, I kept landing on a "this store doesn't exist" page. 😭

I then tried to google how to change, and landed on the "preview new store page", which just a blank page and wouldn't load (turns out Opera was blocking it because some of the content was coming from unverified sources) - I unblocked the content and just got the "this store doesn't exist page" again. Full panic mode activated, thoughts of having to start my store from scratch, etc etc etc

Then, I figured I got myself into this mess by sheer dumb luck, maybe I can get myself out of it that way, too. Went back to the preview new store, clicked to preview, didn't bother unblocking the insecure content or trying to preview and just clicked "publish" instead.

And that's how I got my store back, with the new name visible in the listing header and the URL updated, too. 🤣🤣

Message 8 of 9
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Re: Change Name in Store Link

has anyone found a solution to changing the store name and also changing the URL name? When we print our invoices the URL displayed is our old one (still working).

Message 9 of 9
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