Chargeback - Buyer has Received Item - I have Sign on Delivery Proof - Not Entitled to Seller Prot??

Today I got notified from Paypal I am not entited to Seller Protection - how can this be.


I have proof that the buyer has received the items with Sign on Delivery being delivered at the same Suburb the buyer lives in - but still paypal take my hard earned money and give it back to the buyer.


No reason is given why they refunded the buyer - just telling me I am not entitled to Seller Protection!!


Very unfair - does anyone know the reason this woul happen.


It makes me want to give up my business.

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Re: Chargeback - Buyer has Received Item - I have Sign on Delivery Proof - Not Entitled to Seller Pr

Re: Chargeback - Buyer has Received Item - I have Sign on Delivery Proof - Not Entitled to Seller Pr

Thank you.


Does this mean I am not entitled to seller protection because they paid a transaction with a credit card?  I have proof that the item has been delivered to them - very unfair for seller.

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Re: Chargeback - Buyer has Received Item - I have Sign on Delivery Proof - Not Entitled to Seller Pr

It sounds like the buyer has done a chargeback via their credit card bank for "unauthorised use" whereby Paypal by law have to comply with the bank's instructions. 


I would pull the buyer's contact details and give them a call asking why they have done a chargeback, (if you can, put them on speaker and record the telephone conversation, not sure if that's legal, but neither is a deceptive chargeback)


Get on the phone to Paypal and ask why they have refunded the buyer when you have proof of delivery via signature. If they refuse to refund the money back to you, then try the Financial Ombudsman.

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Re: Chargeback - Buyer has Received Item - I have Sign on Delivery Proof - Not Entitled to Seller Pr

This sounds very strange to me. Is there something you have not told us?


If you get hit with a chargeback via PayPal you should be entitled to seller protection against this if you:

a). Have used the exact mailing address provided by PayPal at the time of the transaction.

b). Have tracking showing proof of delivery to that address or at least to the buyer's suburb.

c). You must upload the tracking details onto the dispute within PayPal.


You seem to have b. covered as you say in your post.

Are you quite sure you did not modify the mailing address in any way?


Did you upload tracking details onto the dispute in time? This is separate from uploading the tracking number to the ebay transaction at the time of the sale. If you did not do this then PayPal will see it as you have no tracking and will decide against you.


If you are sure of both a. and b. above then get back on the phone with PayPal and ask them to explain why you have been declined protection. Show them your tracking eveidence and ask for the decision to be reviewed.


If this all still fails and you are sure of your facts, then you can open a dispute with the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). When on the phone let them know you will be prepared to go this way if they will not give a reason why you were declined.


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Re: Chargeback - Buyer has Received Item - I have Sign on Delivery Proof - Not Entitled to Seller Pr

@papertreeprintsaust wrote:

Thank you.


Does this mean I am not entitled to seller protection because they paid a transaction with a credit card?  I have proof that the item has been delivered to them - very unfair for seller.

As Clarry has pointed out, you should have seller protection if you have adequate proof of delivery to the buyer's address.


What sign on delivery proof  do you have?  and what proof that it was delivered to the buyers address do you have ?


I think sometimes Paypal pushes back if the documentation you have is not standard, which may or many not be the case in your situation.

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