Ebay please give us some free listings

Ebay please give us some free listings.

I only have one active item now and 297 sitting in my unsold section waiting for free listings.

I haven't had any free listings this month except the 40 each month.

I am really worried some of my items will disappear as they will be more than 60 days old.

I can't afford listing fees or store costs.

Please ebay help us all.

Message 1 of 18
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Re: Ebay please give us some free listings

If you're not getting the auto relists all the time, try clearing out your browser cache. That often helps. Sometimes if I'm listing quite a few things the option will disappear after awhile. If it doesn't come back when I try to revise, I make a note under each other those listings to revise them later. I'll then go back a day or so later and revise and more often than not, it appears in those listings.


If you're listing and it disappears, then reappears after several that didn't, go straight and revise the ones where it wasn't there. You might get it to appear for those ones. It only takes a few seconds to add a note under each listing as a reminder. You have the 7 or 10 days, whatever your duration is, to go back and revise them. I've never got to the end of the duration without it not reappearing when revising.


As for the ones dropping off after 60 days in unsold, I don't use Turbolister either, but if I have a heap in the unsold like I do now, I start from the bottom and work up when the new monthly allocation comes up. That way the oldest ones get relisted first so there's less chance of them dropping off.


I might have to look into Turbolister though because I have had a few drop off over the years.

Message 11 of 18
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Re: Ebay please give us some free listings

It is easy to keep your listings in Turbo Lister. Once you have downloaded it, set up your account(s) and done an update you just use the link to import items from your ebay account(s).

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 12 of 18
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Re: Ebay please give us some free listings

If you keep the email from when the listing ends you can access the listing for the next 90 days and relist that way. 

Message 13 of 18
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Re: Ebay please give us some free listings

englishrosegardens, this is exactly what I used to do until I created too many different posters and found it very time consuming. ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 14 of 18
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Re: Ebay please give us some free listings

Community Member
Stores are **bleep** for my sales.
There buy it now only, its hopless for items that sell better at auction.
I have 60 unsold and i just relist for free each time thetes free listings. Best way to sell in 6 years, had a store,it was useless.
They will give freebies, but im not expecting them till boxing day like last year or over the new year.
Untill then just do draftings and sit tight ๐Ÿ™‚
Message 15 of 18
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Re: Ebay please give us some free listings


I note you mentioned we could do draftings.

Is there a limit to the amount of drafts you can make and keep there until free listings come along?


Message 16 of 18
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Re: Ebay please give us some free listings

Theres no limit to drafts. But of there bot listed within 30 days they are automatically deleted off your account. I usually draft towards the end of the month, and theres some kind of offer that will pop up within that time frame.
Message 17 of 18
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Re: Ebay please give us some free listings

You're better to store them in Scheduled rather than Drafts because they'll stay there longer and you can see more details of the listing.  You can always edit the start time if you don't get any freebies in time.  I don't know whether there are any limits on scheduling but I've had over 100 in there at times.  You can't schedule more than 3 weeks ahead and if you bulk relist it's always a day out so you only get 20 days.


I believe different people get the 2664 freebies on different dates so if the link doesn't work this week it may be worth trying it again next week, then the week after, etc.  It's supposed to be by invitation though so chances are it won't work for most people if you didn't get the email. 

Message 18 of 18
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