Established sellers please read this if you think you are not effected by new rules

OK I am a newish small seller but in my various emails to and fro' with eBay about my monies being held one of the responses I recieved was this:


Hello Dianne,

Thank you for contacting eBay about your funds availability.

I know how it is important for you to receive your funds right away. I'm happy to assist you with this.

I do apologize for the inconvenience with regards to your funds on hold via PayPal, but with regards to this one you need to wait on the given estimated funds availability on the item that you sold and this policy does not apply only to new seller but as well to all new and established seller's on eBay and about your inquiry on when your 90 days will be over as a new seller on eBay will be on Dec. 24, 2014 since you registered on Sep. 25, 2014.

With regards to releasing your payment earlier than the estimated funds availability what you can only do now is to wait when would the funds to be available since we cannot override the system for that and to set your expectations all seller's new and established seller's on the site will experience this payments hold moving forward in their future transactions and I hope that you understand that as well. We just want to make sure that everything is fine with the transaction that you had with your buyer before your funds would be available.

I appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter. Thank you for choosing eBay and keep safe.




Angelica P.

eBay AU Customer Service


So whilst we (new sellers) are all crying fould with the 21 day hold it appears established sellers will also be subject to new rules. Which for those who like me send many items unregistered or without tracking (the only cost effective way for some of us) the 21 day wait will become the norm or even waiting the mandatory 3 days after expected delivery date.

Some one please tell me this will not be new future when I finish jumping through all the current "hoops".

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Re: Established sellers please read this if you think you are not effected by new rules

If that happens to me they can do one. As I'll be closing my account and they will also be losing $3-400 of purchases a month plus tens of thousands of dollars in seller fees.

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Re: Established sellers please read this if you think you are not effected by new rules

There are terms & conditions for the 21 day holding of  funds. Most don't apply to established sellers.


If, for example, I started selling $2000 TV's  when I usually sell low value items, then I expect the 21 day hold would apply for the high value items in that specific category.


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Re: Established sellers please read this if you think you are not effected by new rules

Please read again, yes the 21 day hold has a set of rules but according to the email above you will still be subject to holds pending the postage method etc. (that may only be 3 days after estimated arrival but possibly more) I am not making the rules just giving you courtesy of reading what they sent me.

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Re: Established sellers please read this if you think you are not effected by new rules

Re: Established sellers please read this if you think you are not effected by new rules

@dithommo wrote:

Please read again, yes the 21 day hold has a set of rules but according to the email above you will still be subject to holds pending the postage method etc. (that may only be 3 days after estimated arrival but possibly more) I am not making the rules just giving you courtesy of reading what they sent me.

My advice is to ignore those posters that don't bother to read your posts before stating their opinions.


Thank you for your posting that correspondence from eBay.  I encourage you to lodge a complaint with the FIO regarding the hold, the explanation provided is not satisfactory at all.

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Re: Established sellers please read this if you think you are not effected by new rules

Yes you are correct thanks I am aware of the ombusdman office as an option, however currently I am still subject to new seller restrictions however I am dotting my "i's" and crossing my "t's" to ensure that the very minute my new seller restrictions finish (on the 24th December) that my monies are released. I have already been told by eBay that anything sold prior to the 24th will still be subject to holds. That is when I will have detailed evidence to submit to the ombudsman. So even if I sell something on the 23rd I will still have to wait 21 days. If I sell something on the 25th with no tracking I will have to wait 21 days or with tracking the estimated delivery date plus 3 days. I have other emails from eBay that support this new practise will be enforced in the near future. Not looking good is it?

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Re: Established sellers please read this if you think you are not effected by new rules

Just another point to remember. Never send an item without tracking. Good Luck in the future ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 8 of 19
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Re: Established sellers please read this if you think you are not effected by new rules

1. I don't like the withholding of payment. But I can understand it. It give the buyer some protection from unscrupulous sellers. Ideally the money should be paid with whatever interest is accurred. This would be neglible in most circumstances, but it woud show "good faith" by ebay. I don't sell much, and had my funds held for about a week, just until the parcel was delivered.

2. I can't understand why you wouldn't use the ebay postage. It is cheaper. The ebay label has the buyers address printed, thus reducing handling errors. And it has free tracking, which safeguards the seller and gives the buyer confidence.


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Re: Established sellers please read this if you think you are not effected by new rules

New seller or not, PayPal holding your funds on the direction of eBay is still illegal.  Lodge a report with the Ombudsman.

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