Glitch after glitch today

Seriously, I am sick of the amount of glitches I have had to put up with the last few days.

Today I think I'm going to chuck something through a window.

Keep getting Server 500 errors and can't change some of my variation listings as it keeps showing a GTIN error (thought that issue was resolved the other day, but appears to be back).


So annyoyed right now - I have 30 new listings to add and I'm just going in circles.


Anybody else having a truly glitchy day today?


Sorry, rant over.



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Re: Glitch after glitch today

@jfmgray wrote:

Now I have domestic buyers telling me that eBay will not let them pay for items they have purchased as I don't ship to their address.  Ahhhh!!  Anyone else experiencing this over the last few hours?

Not today, but last time this glitch happened, sending the buyer an invoice allowed them to pay.

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Re: Glitch after glitch today

@gamehunterbenji wrote:

An honest mistake


Thanks for the heads up, but a friendly tone goes a long way.


Peoples names and addresses are also listed in the phone book.


"Haunting you?" ..... seriously?


Get a grip on things that really matter.


If your haunted by that I hate to think what you think about our LNP federal government....


That matters.......


How many minutes did you spend obsessing over my mistake...



AND YOU'RE WELCOME!       eye roll.gif


I realised it was an honest mistake.    My message was short and to the point


I could've just reported you for a violation.


Maybe I should've 

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