Sad, sad - drop in sales?

Hi again all


Is anyone else battling an unusual sales slow-down? It's almost November - and we should be firin' on all cylinders, instead I personally am at a near 20% DROP in sales? 💀

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Re: Sad, sad - drop in sales?

We are at an all time low, but we don't really care as we are closing down our ebay stores at the end of this tax year.

By this time of year we really should be selling Xmas stock, but so far nothing.

Message 2 of 20
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Re: Sad, sad - drop in sales?

Yer sales are down on coins, sales should be higher before the drop off in November, seems this sales drop happens every year at different times for no reason.

Message 3 of 20
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Re: Sad, sad - drop in sales?

Too many people are in financial difficulty. Prices keep going up. Wages don't.

Message 4 of 20
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Re: Sad, sad - drop in sales?

I think you’d need more insight than we have to explain all this. But then again, it could be something very simple too.


We’re down a wee bit BBQ’s, but then totally different to you and you’re ‘stuff’. We’re small fry and have been dragging the lead anyway, until some of these views/watchers issues are sorted, although it does seem to have improved quite noticeably over the past couple of days.


i think it’s anyines guess really. I also think people are doing it pretty hard and being careful with their $$$.


i wish you well though.



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Re: Sad, sad - drop in sales?

Whilst my sales have a been a little lower compared to last year, the past few days have been fantastic with over 15 solid orders since Saturday between Ebay any my other shop on another selling platform.



Message 6 of 20
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Re: Sad, sad - drop in sales?

Not really as I'm buying and selling coins at a rapid pace.

Message 7 of 20
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Re: Sad, sad - drop in sales?

Totally dead in sporting goods, which is very uncharacteristic given that summer is here.

Message 8 of 20
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Re: Sad, sad - drop in sales?

Sales have returned to normal, following the account glitch problems which saw our sales almost stop completely for around a six weeks. This month is on track to be 15% higher than long term average with plenty of questions, offers etc 


If a seller who was making regular sales, finds things stop all of a sudden, it would be worth contacting ebay CS and keep pestering them until the problem is resolved. There are selling account glitches around at the moment and ebay can help if they are aware there is an issue.


I,m almost getting enthusiastic about ebay again and planning a full day on ebay today, packing sold items and doing an auction blitz, listing a bunch of rare collectibles I picked up from a transport museum that was down sizing part of their collection last weekend. They are raising money for a special project and had an unannounced  two hour garage sale, advertised on facebook the moment it started. The missus was on the face book community notice board when the announcement came up and clocked it straight away.


I jumped in the car and raced straight there ( 5 minutes from home ) and snaffled some great items. It wasn't quite my field, so I did some advanced searches of sold items on ebay when I got home and realised it was pretty good stuff, so returned again and purchased some more. The plan is to list them for a 3 day auction with all items finishing Sunday evening, two minutes apart. It will be a bit of fun ( like the old days ) and hopefully I will make a reasonable return on my investment. 

Message 9 of 20
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Re: Sad, sad - drop in sales?

I thought we had full employment I guess not

Message 10 of 20
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