Sales Decreased Recently

Just wonderful if others are experiencing a drop in sales recently, especially during this week. Cat Sad

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Re: Sales Decreased Recently

@chameleon54 wrote:

I have found the same thing. overseas sales have held up very well. January was soft but put in extra time and effort and still ended up with slightly above average sales ( for a lot of extra work ) First ten days of Feb. same ghost town as others. I have spoken to a couple of B & M operators who report the same thing so not just on ebay. Had a few very good sales in the last couple of hours since last post so things seem to be coming back. ( last few days have been reasonable. ) 

Good to know the B & M stores are feling it too - I was starting to wonder if it was a case of buyers not seeing our listings.

Maybe it's a Year of the Horse thing Woman Surprised Hope not!!

Message 11 of 16
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Re: Sales Decreased Recently

Our sales are on the increase.

This week has been quite a strong sales week.

Message 12 of 16
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Re: Sales Decreased Recently

That is awesome, wish I could say the same.
Message 13 of 16
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Re: Sales Decreased Recently

From 19th - 24th Jan I put my shop on holiday mode. On 25th Jan I re-opened and got two sales that weekend, then over the following week asbolutely nothing!!! I discovered that none of my listings were coming up in search results and I contacted Ebay ...... they acknowledged there was a problem and said they would come back to me - I AM STILL WAITING EBAY!!!! 


Whilst waiting I discovered that if clicked on revise  and then save item it then appeared in search results. From then I have had sales but nothing like I had been having previously - my sales have been at least 50% down!


However, today has been a good day and I have had quite a few sales - so hopefully we are now back on track.


I have a feeling Ebay have been doing some sort of maintenance which has affected sales these last few weeks ........

Message 14 of 16
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Re: Sales Decreased Recently

Chugged along at twice normal from October. From about a week ago fell back to 70% of that average.


Swings and roundabouts. And the Government's scare campaign about sacking 10s of thousands of workers.


If I didn't know if I would have a job tomorrow, I know i wouldn't be prioritising discretionany spending

Message 15 of 16
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Re: Sales Decreased Recently

I almost always find things go a bit quiet when I haven't initiated any activity on my account for a while - and by any, I mean pretty much everything you can do as a seller, particularly with a store. eg As mentioned, if I get in a slow patch, it often seems revising listings, updating photos, adding new items, even paying my fees, seems to kickstart things a little, though it's all rather circumstantial and could just be a matter of finding things to occupy myself until I have something else to do. Smiley Very Happy

Message 16 of 16
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