Failure to deal with forgeries

Community Member

I have on many occasions notified eBay of sellers listing forged stamps and not only do they not respond they allow the sellers to keep offering forgeries. So much fo protecting their members.

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Re: Failure to deal with forgeries

When you report an item, you are advised that due to privacy issues, you will not be advised of any action taken by ebay.

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Re: Failure to deal with forgeries

Ebay has zero way of making that determination and they are not going to take your word for it, just because you say it is so.


There are millions and millions of fake items on Ebay - it's up to the buyer to do their due diligence and leave appropriate feedback when applicable.

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Re: Failure to deal with forgeries

Community Member

Jesus said that a man who had a field planted good wheat seed in it. While he slept, someone came and planted tares, which look a lot like wheat as they grow, in the same field. All the seeds started to grow, and blades of wheat and tares broke through the ground.

Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn."

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Re: Failure to deal with forgeries

And this helps how, exactly?


Members come to these boards for help, not biblical quotes.



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Re: Failure to deal with forgeries

Need to talk religion - begin a thread.

Message 6 of 8
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Re: Failure to deal with forgeries

Hello, everyone. It's very important to keep your discussion relevant to the topic. If you have something else to talk about, please start a new thread. Remember irrelevant posts might be removed. Thanks.

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Re: Failure to deal with forgeries

Very few here care about imaginary friends. Me personally, I was around 6yo when I stopped believing in imaginary friends. I was gutted when "BeeSting" disappeared, my pink flying camel. He was my everything. As an adult, maybe you should listen to the children.

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