How Much Do Weddings


Cost these days ??


If the couple have been living together who pays ??

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Re: How Much Do Weddings

Honored Contributor

Too much.

There does not seem to be any hard and fast rules about who pays these days.

Message 2 of 33
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Re: How Much Do Weddings

From $5000 to the sky is the limit apparently.
We gave ours the money to do whatever they chose with it. Be that the wedding or a home deposit etc.
Message 3 of 33
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Re: How Much Do Weddings

the celebrant cost us about $400 a few years ago.


we didn't shop around though.


foolishly bought a $500 suit.


i guess you could get away with a total of $500 (including the celebrant) if you do a BYO.

Message 4 of 33
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Re: How Much Do Weddings

I would imagine there are those who have paid up to half a million, celebs, rock stars ect. but could get away with far less. Tradisionally, the bride's father pays I think, and never let the groom forget what it costed him. LOL..


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Message 5 of 33
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Re: How Much Do Weddings

It's almost de rigueur to 'live over the brush' these days. They should continue as they are, and the money saved on a wedding, put to something they can actually see and feel, like a house, furniture, carpets, etc. It's one day, and all that they will be left with are a few photographs...and perhaps some bad memories of guests falling out, and maybe even having a good old punch up.


I often wonder also how many couple spend an absolute King's ransom on the 'big day', and part company maybe a year or so later...or even sooner !


Edited. Half the post disappeared into the ether ! *cue weird music*

Message 6 of 33
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Re: How Much Do Weddings

As much or as little and you want to pay.

When my son got married a couple of years ago they had the full on beautiful wedding, BUT, they are both very canny shoppers and it cost them a fraction of what it looked like. We gave them an amount we felt comfortable with and told them they could do what they wanted with it. Her parents wanted her to arrive at the ceremony in a "special" car so they paid for that, and also gave them some cash. I think the days of the brides parents paying are long gone.
Message 7 of 33
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Re: How Much Do Weddings

@grandmoon wrote:


Cost these days ??


If the couple have been living together who pays ??

We had a similiar situation with my husbands daughter. They had been living together for years, and have a child together, they recently got married.

Brides parents paid for the food.... grooms parents paid for the alcohol,  both sets of parents chipped in and paid for the photographer, and the bride and groom paid for everything else.
All in all, with 60 guests and a celebrant, it came to a total of around $6K. Not bad i thought.

There is no hard and fast rules these days. I think most couples pay for their wedding these days. 🙂

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Message 8 of 33
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Re: How Much Do Weddings

My niece recently got married. My brother and his wife are divorced and remarried so she asked them to contribute $10,000 each and the groom's parents contributed $10,000. Apparantly they cost cut on everything so they would have enough for a 6 week honeymoon.  My brother and his ex are ropeable as they were happy to contribute to the wedding but not the lavish honeymoon.


They are staying in 5 star hotels and restaurants, have been shopping in designer stores and generally living the high life. Both of them, nephew and new wife, earn good money but felt their parents should pay for everything. They go overseas just about every year anyway so it's not like it was a once in a lifetime thing.


My brother only got told about the extent of the honeymoon on the day of the wedding so he's had time to seeth. My niece is lovely and has been spoit most of her life but this time she's pushed my brother just that teensy bit too far and I suspect daddy's little girl will be told a few home truths . Oh to be a fly on the wall. lol. Smiley Very Happy 


Message 9 of 33
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Re: How Much Do Weddings

Alexandra, did they expect a wedding gift from their parents also? Sheesh, it really sounds like they took advantage of everybody. 


no siggy
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