Labor won't cut ties with the unions

Community Member

No matter what the desperate Bill Shorten says Labor won't cut ties with the unions


Its all simply lip service and lies and trying to cover up their total incompetence 


Labor said it was ditching its support of The Greens yet both parties still vote as a block in the senate to stop this country moving on from the absolute incompetence of the Labor/Green years.



Labor says it will break ties with the unions but only because all its union MPs can see the writing on the wall as the Royal Commission gets under way. I would think some of them may be wondering what they will look like when they are attired in prison garb.







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Re: Labor won't cut ties with the unions

Community Member




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Re: Labor won't cut ties with the unions





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Re: Labor won't cut ties with the unions

I hope Labor doesn't cut ties with the unions for the working class's sake.Can't let the likes of Sinnerdinos, O'Farrell and more to come have all the money can we?
Message 4 of 10
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Re: Labor won't cut ties with the unions

Nero, why should the Labor Party cut ties with the unions?

The LP was formed as the political wing of the union movement.


I am not a major party supporter nor have I ever been a member of a union.

However, in spite of the activities of some union members in some unions, unions are essential for the workforce.


Don't throw  the baby out with the bathwater.

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Re: Labor won't cut ties with the unions

LNP won't cut ties with big business and their lobbyists.



Message 6 of 10
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Re: Labor won't cut ties with the unions

@nero_wulf wrote:

No matter what the desperate Bill Shorten says Labor won't cut ties with the unions


Its all simply lip service and lies and trying to cover up their total incompetence 


Labor said it was ditching its support of The Greens yet both parties still vote as a block in the senate to stop this country moving on from the absolute incompetence of the Labor/Green years.



Labor says it will break ties with the unions but only because all its union MPs can see the writing on the wall as the Royal Commission gets under way. I would think some of them may be wondering what they will look like when they are attired in prison garb.







Thanks Nero. that did me a power of good. I'll let you into a secret. I went to a fortune teller once. She told me all kinds of stuff that turned out to be a load of old garden fertiliser. When I told my friends, some of them 'said 'Nah, you just picked a wrong un, they're not all charlatans: but after reading your OP I now know I was absolutely right - they are. 

Message 7 of 10
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Re: Labor won't cut ties with the unions

There will forever be a tie with the unions so long as all the ex union officials are at the top of the ALP... 


If they really want to break ties with them then need to sack every single MP that only got to the top of the heap by using unions funds paid for by the real people that worked the hardest. 

Message 8 of 10
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Re: Labor won't cut ties with the unions

long may it be the case. unions are generally fine organisations with long traditions and ties to australian workers. the unions have partnered minority groups in many a struggle against oppression. people like tim wilson have no sense of history, it was unions and the left who first stood alongside gay activists in their struggle for recognition that led to the situation we have today whereby mr wilson can be open about his orientation and hold a high profile job as he and so many others do today. .( despite wilsons poor credentials and suitability for the job.)

Message 9 of 10
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Re: Labor won't cut ties with the unions

Sadly Labour hasnt really supported the unions for a long time now.


Unions still tend to support Labour only because its a better option for their members then the libs with their screw the workers policies

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