Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

I usually receive the $1 offer for weekends but nothing this weekend ... did anyone else receive one or have they finished that ?
Wonโ€™t be using eBay anymore if they have stopped it !!!
Message 1 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

Message 141 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

@shinebrightalways88 wrote:

Hi missmel,  is it possible to learn how to identify who you are replying to. Gets confusing when you keep repling to yourself

Message 142 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

@*tippy*toes* wrote:

Oh shyyte kiddies, please don't give away all my secrets! I'm already being accused of being an eBay employee, I don't want to be accused of being on some beach somewhere in the 60's. Sheesh!


I didn't do it.
Dolly did it
It was her
You can't pin it on me
It was her all along
It could have been the dog
But I will swear it was dolly.
On my mother's grave
Hang on, mum is still alive!
OK, I swear on the dog's grave.

Kiddies!!!!!!    I went swimming at that beach 2 weeks after Sir H

Message 143 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

@tiggywink92 wrote:

yes you are nasty.  Dont come back to justify why you are so horrible.   Same long term members from years ago, seriously do you have a life.  I dont care what you say to me but to bully online is just not on, you must have sad little lives

I think you will find that most long term posters here, live very full and rewarding lives,  One thing you will find, is that at some stage we have all had various run ins with ebay, and various disagreements with each other over policys  and various opinions, who cares.  

You wont find too many willing to standby, if a line gets crossed here or there and the mods are quick to remove posts that cross the lines and readily ad warnings to posts and posters.  In saying that, I have not seen any moderator actions on this thread, yet you continue with derogatory comments and claims of bullying.  whilst you may not like some posts. that does not make the comments wrong or the poster a bully or troll,   If you go to Flemington, depending on your perspective you are going to smell  roses  or  horse manure

Message 144 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

What does โ€˜replingโ€™ mean ?
Message 145 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

'Ha Ha,  At least you have learnt how to do it,  Well done

Message 146 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

Haha ๐Ÿ˜‚ Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š
Message 147 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

"If you go to Flemington, depending on your perspective you are going to smell roses or horse manure"


yeah horse manure or is that denial? .. whatever it is is on the nose and has been for quite some time .. is not just one individual troll .. is more like a pack of rabid dogs ..

Message 148 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

@ringinthedingding wrote:

"If you go to Flemington, depending on your perspective you are going to smell roses or horse manure"


yeah horse manure or is that denial? .. whatever it is is on the nose and has been for quite some time .. is not just one individual troll .. is more like a pack of rabid dogs ..

I noticed that yesterday. That's certainly what the attacks on tippy reminded me of.

Message 149 of 203
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Re: Have the weekend $1 FVF deals finished ?

@davewil1964 wrote:

@ringinthedingding wrote:

"If you go to Flemington, depending on your perspective you are going to smell roses or horse manure"


yeah horse manure or is that denial? .. whatever it is is on the nose and has been for quite some time .. is not just one individual troll .. is more like a pack of rabid dogs ..

I noticed that yesterday. That's certainly what the attacks on tippy reminded me of.

Yet some dont stand up to the strength of a rose - petal.

Message 150 of 203
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