Out of interest does anyone have an anchor store?

Just wondering if it is worthwhile?

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Re: Out of interest does anyone have an anchor store?

It all depends on how many listings you have, what your average item selling price is  and what % you pay in FVF. One of my stores has over 1500 listings and an average item selling price of $38.00. Last time I did the numbers on anchor stores, it was a pretty marginal proposition. ( not quite worth it ) . If I increased listing numbers to 2000 it might pay. Instead I have a seperate store with around 400-500 listings. There are some larger sellers on the power sellers forum who have anchor stores, but some of these guys are fairly big players with staff, rented premesis etc. Unless you are in a fairly big way it is hard to justify. Some of the anchor store guys are not always happy with thier set up and claim it does not really give them any special advantages although I would expect customer service would be a lot more helpfull for these bigger sellers.

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Re: Out of interest does anyone have an anchor store?

I subscribed to Anchor store only a couple of weeks ago,

average price on item is $45, with just over 1000 transactions per month.

avg sales per mth at $52k

from my calculations, it was time.

its saving me a bit on FVF and hope that my sales trend continue to rise.


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Re: Out of interest does anyone have an anchor store?

My friend has an anchor store & mainly sells media (at 5 cents per month insertion fee). He has around 15,000 items listed on eBay at any given time. From his perspective it was only worth having it when he hit 10,000 listings (as anchor stores have no insertion fees).

Based on this if all of your listings cost 20 cents per month (non-media) I'd say 2500 would be the point when an anchor store might be better value.

You'd need to calculate your own situation ie how many listings per month do you have x $0.20 and factor in things like the 500 free listings per month with a featured store & the 1% savings on FVFs in an anchor store.

He originally spoke to eBay and actually found them quite helpful to determine whether an anchor store would be better value.

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Re: Out of interest does anyone have an anchor store?

@vproshop wrote:

I subscribed to Anchor store only a couple of weeks ago,

average price on item is $45, with just over 1000 transactions per month.

avg sales per mth at $52k

from my calculations, it was time.

its saving me a bit on FVF and hope that my sales trend continue to rise.


Just wondering if since the upgrade have you noticed any increase in sales volume which could be attributed to an increased exposure in search rankings?

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Re: Out of interest does anyone have an anchor store?


Its made absolutely no difference in search rankings etc.

ie, i dont believe there is any benefit besides the extra 1% saving on FVF.

i only have up to 300 listings, so insertion fees is not why i upgraded.

It was the extra 1% savings on FVF.

sales volume is steady. hasnt leaped or anything like that since the upgrade.

Its funny though, Today is supposed to be a busy sales day, but turning out to

be a dissapointment.

Fingers crossed, otherwise ill have to skip a meal or two this week 🙂


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