Selling account restricted permanently

Hi all,


My selling privileges were restricted yesterday because of the new ebay ratings. My DSR was very good but i had several cancelled transactions because of an item that i ran out of stock.


I know that i should not have something listed that i did not have avaialble however this was only for a short period (7 days). Most of the buyers were happy to wait for this dvd but there were some that wanted it cancelled and refunded. Now i feel like i should not have communicated to these buyers as i would not be in the position i am in right now. But yes, i advised all these buyers that i ran out of this title and i would have it within 7 days but i am happy to refund it if required.


I have never used the ebay inventory manager tool as i have my own system that i pay a subscription for to manage my stock levels and ordering.


I contacted Ebay customer service yesterday and was advised from their call centre in the Phillipines that this decision was final and irreversable. I argued that i was a loyal ebay customer for 10 plus years. Had paid all my fees (approx $500.00 per month) on time without delay, had feedback of >99% and my DSR's were of a high standard. I also mentioned that my rating changed on 20/08/14 and that i had 20 days to try and fix this before my account was suspended. Their response to this was "we understand but the decision is final". I then asked to be transferred to comeone who was based in Australia and who had the authority to do something about this. The response was that they support the Australian opertations and there was no one else i could contact.


I have sent an email via Ebay last night in the hope that it would get escalated somewhere but the call centre i spoke with.


Has anyone else been in this position and if so who did you contact and what was the outome?


Help and assistance needed please?



John (In2 DVD)

Message 1 of 330
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Re: Selling account restricted permanently

All good, it game me an opportunity to explore some options. I could still view but could not post ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 251 of 330
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Re: Selling account restricted permanently

Hey mate there is nothing to do if you are permanent banned you can speak with Jesus but it will not help. Robot from ebay are setuped to copy paste the rules. I got permanetly restricted from selling because of 2 negatives in row. As they trained me  1 bullet one headshot. There is nothing to do at all speaking with 3 different of supervisors. That's the same like using 3 people to pust the tap to have finally some watter.  Not worth the hassle most of sellers left some are planning to left end of this month. The sales and everytime maintenance droped the sales near to zero and pay fees for something what is not working.

Message 252 of 330
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Re: Selling account restricted permanently

I read an early post in this thread where someone suggested the OP contact the media for help, as they might be interested in running a story on this. 


I think it's a good idea. Given what's happened to both yourself & the OP' and how this affects your business/life, I'm pretty sure a show like 'A Current Affair' would probably be all over it if you took it to them. Whilst I don't always respect ACA's brand of journalism, they do seem to be pretty effective at 'encouraging' big businesses to eventually do the 'right thing' (albeit belatedly) by the wronged customer that ACA are representing/featuring.





To those at eBay responsible for making/reviewing decisions like these... shame on you. ๐Ÿ˜ž

Message 253 of 330
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Re: Selling account restricted permanently

Pleae send me a PM with your contact details.

Message 254 of 330
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Re: Selling account restricted permanently

That's right... Send me a PM with your contact details.

Message 255 of 330
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Re: Selling account restricted permanently

Wow...5 negs with so little sold...Yikes

Message 256 of 330
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Re: Selling account restricted permanently

She's pretty quick to hand them out, too.
Message 257 of 330
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Re: Selling account restricted permanently

We have to be careful as to who we empathise with here as not EVERYONE are ' goody two shoes ' ...not EVERYONE are upfront about their situation like john has been...We never really hear the WHOLE story. So need to look between the lines. But overall we can see that a lot of good people have been unjustly BURNT by the defect system ....but there are a lot of sellers who should be banned.

I almost went to the police about a seller this time last year.  Amazingly I forgave him as he must have gone back on his meds and realised the implications to his business and apologised profusely after I beat  him at his own game and hes turned out ok.

Hes a generous seller really...I must admit I was expecting white powder tactic in the

If you seen his youtube clip you can see how  I was a little concerned.

Message 258 of 330
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Re: Selling account restricted permanently

I couldnt see that

Message 259 of 330
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Re: Selling account restricted permanently

Oh may not have mentioned names, but I'm sure the person you are talking about would know it was him you are referring to.  I hope he doesn't read the forums or it may well be you in need of forgiveness.


Message 260 of 330
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