on 07-09-2019 02:29 PM
I am considering buying a watch from USA
Would thre be any delay with clearing custom etc if sent by FedX?
on 07-09-2019 02:40 PM
Not trying to be rude here, but how long is a piece of string? These things happen when they happen. If required by a certain date I would be careful.
on 07-09-2019 04:20 PM
It would depend on the value, too.
Over $A1000 shipped would likely mean more of a delay.
on 07-09-2019 06:55 PM
I have bought several watches from the USA over the years and have never noticed any difference in delivery times between the watches and other items.
When items are sent by courier they are usually pre cleared by Customs so clear very quickly.
The only holdup may be if the watch and postage is in excess of $1000.....Customs hold the item until the Import Fees are paid and that is up to you.