Is it true that ebay and paypal are now partners?

Community Member

I heard a while back that ebay was now partners with paypal, if this is correct, then would that be a conflict of interest for the purchaser?
Being a long time consumer of both these companies, I now find that more and more privacy issues arise to operate in these environments.... I lately and still, cannot enter my profile on paypal as I do not use a mobile, this has now caused cancellation of my credit card listed as I could not gain log-in to post my new card details and expiry..... all attempts to contact paypal have failed as    I CAN NOT LOG_IN.......
anyone with positive answers here?

Tens of thousands of  Australian dollars are spent on my account and this will ALL be lost to both accounts shortly as access is denied by Paypal....  -  now looking for alternate suppliers after over a decade.... YOUR LOSS.


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Is it true that ebay and paypal are now partners?

@lynsh84 wrote:

One suggestion I can make is to buy a very cheap basic mobile phone and find a cheap plan (I have an Optus prepaid plan for $30 for 6 months) and then you can get codes etc.

Personally I find this suggestion a bit insensitive,  no one should be made to buy a mobile, no matter how cheap.   All business's should make it possible for everyone to participate without a mobile,  I know this is not the case,  but it is a reflection on the sad insensitive world we now live in.


Having said that I know at least 2 people who have being trading on Ebay for many moons without a mobile phone as they don't own them.


I also know of a large deaf community,  who all have mobile phones, not to speak on for obvious reasons, but they are constantly texting, and using them for their hobbies.  

Message 21 of 29
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Is it true that ebay and paypal are now partners?

I am sorry you  think it insensitive to suggest a cheap mobile phone for the OP.

He has already mentioned at least 2 recent occasions when it might have been useful.


I agree it should not be necessary to own a mobile but no matter how you look at it, you need a mobile phone for so many things in today's do you go to the supermarket or any other businesses without the ability to log in and identify yourself?


If you know of a large deaf community who all use mobile phone to their advantage, why is it so offensive to suggest it for another deaf person who may well be able to use it to his advantage?

Message 22 of 29
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Is it true that ebay and paypal are now partners?

@lynsh84 wrote: do you go to the supermarket or any other businesses without the ability to log in and identify yourself?


They all are supposed to (at least in Victoria), have a manual login process,

Message 23 of 29
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Is it true that ebay and paypal are now partners?

@lynsh84 wrote:



If you know of a large deaf community who all use mobile phone to their advantage, why is it so offensive to suggest it for another deaf person who may well be able to use it to his advantage?

That doesnt mean that every other deaf person must have a mobile,  this just highlights where we have come to that because some do, you believe all people must.  Last time I checked Australia was still a land where you were free to not own a mobile.

Message 24 of 29
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Is it true that ebay and paypal are now partners?

The government might require manual procedures for Luddites, but the rest of the world isn't required to.

Message 25 of 29
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Is it true that ebay and paypal are now partners?

I have a plastic card from Service NSW, easy as 


Here at least, every store must offer a means to sign in manually 

Message 26 of 29
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Is it true that ebay and paypal are now partners?

Oh for goodness sake.....It was only a suggestion and nothing else.

If you choose to take offense then so be it but your own post suggests that it may be to the OP's advantage....other deaf people find a mobile advantageous.

I have had a profoundly deaf friend for over 70 years and he has always been to the forefront of owning computers and mobiles to communicate with his friends......both hearing and deaf.

Message 27 of 29
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Is it true that ebay and paypal are now partners?

I was suddenly locked out of my PP account because I could not provide a mobile number.  I phoned the Oz contact number (from my landline which is all I have) and after I explained the problem the person I spoke to amended my account and my access was restored.  HOWEVER...she also told me I won't be getting any more popup messages to supply a mobile number but I still get them dammit....which suggests to me that I may be facing this issue again at some stage.  Sigh.

Message 28 of 29
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Is it true that ebay and paypal are now partners?

If you do decide to get a mobile at some point, not just for PayPal, there is an NRS app which is very good. I'm sure you already know about the National Relay Service and what they provide. It means you can call anyone and speak to them by typing a message. I found it excellent when I needed it. 


I'm sure there is probably the option of using it on your computer too, but I haven't looked into that. It might mean you can "call" PayPal without the need for an actual phone.

Message 29 of 29
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