on 27-07-2020 03:04 PM
I bought an item on ebay from a private seller. It came Amazon boxed Amazon receipt. I know from experience Amazon to be dishonourable. How do I avoid buying from them on ebay? Or at least be aware that is what is happening?
The seller may be dropshipping from Amazon.....not much you can do unless the seller gives the wrong item location.
Actually, geor.ge.sz6pem, if this item was actually sent from/through Amazon to you, this is against eBay's Third-party fulfilment policy.
❝Can I use Fulfilment by Amazon?
The Fulfilment by Amazon service does not satisfy the third-party fulfilment conditions under this policy.
We don't allow third-party fulfilment if it could be confusing or misleading for the buyer (for example, because the packaging used makes it appear that their item was purchased from another retailer or marketplace instead of on eBay), or if the buyer's personal data is not sufficiently protected.
Not allowed
However, if what you mean is that the seller had received the item from Amazon, then listed it on eBay and didn't unpack the item from its Amazon box, subsequently sending it to you when you purchased it, that's another thing entirely. It might indeed be confusing, but the seller in such an instance would not have breached the Third-party fulfilment policy.
If your seller did not send the item to you directly, you can report the seller . (Select "other", and state "Seller breached the Third-party fulfilment policy by using Fulfilment by Amazon. I received the item directly from an Amazon seller which meant that my personal data was not sufficiently protected, and which misled and confused me".)
This appears to be the latest scam and I hope Amazon and eBay do something about it. You buy something on eBay, the seller then buys the same item on Amazon and ships it to your address using Amazon Prime. I have received three items this way in the last couple of weeks.
Another reason why I will continue using eBay less and less.
If it is a private seller then they may have sold an unwanted gift they received from Amazon.
Not much you can do about that but I dare say it is an unusual case.
Unless the eBay listing states it is from Amazon, I think you are safe.