PAYPAL FRAUD...'eBay International AG'

Community Member

Hi There,


I recently was.. well.. robbed.. $85.97 dollars from eBay International AG'. I thought nothing of it at first, as i was reading my emails in a rush. but luckily i keep all my online reciepts. I read it in detail today and realised the email was not the official paypal email, and i had no idea who this 'person' is. I first recieved an email telling me that they had transacted the amount from my account last week. So i can't exactly cancel the transaction now. I am really angry about this and worried too.. i have change all my secrurity passwords and as soon as it has been resolved i am changing my email and passwords to everything. Has anyone else had this problem? What do i do?

I have oepend a dispute on paypal and reported the email address to paypal. I never thought this would happen to me 😕

What can i do to make sure i get my money back?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Many Thanks,



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Answers (1)

Hi, I had exactly the same message about a week ago but checked my Paypal account & nothing had actually come out. It is just a scam but yes very cleverly done as I did advertise with them a long time ago so double checked in my Paypal account that I had no AP's still active with them to make sure nothing could be deducted!