on 20-11-2024 02:24 PM
When I search, I purposely choose Australia as the product location from the filters. I choose this option because I want my delivery to be quick - i.e. I don't want to wait the 2-4 weeks for it to come from overseas and I'm prepared to pay that little bit extra because I want it quicker..
Unfortunately When you choose this option, it also shows sellers "WHO CLAIM" to be Australian Based, but they are either based in China or ship from overseas location.
If you click on the Store Name under the Product Title, then on the following page, choose ABOUT, it will show you where the seller is really located.
I want to be able to choose a seller based in Australia and shipping from Australia. Surely eBay cab fix this issue!!
The filter isn’t designed to show only Australian sellers. Rather, it panders to Australian buyers’ penchant for looking for the cheapest price despite signs that the item isn’t genuine, authorised, etc.
Unfortunately that’s a result of eBay’s desire to continue to have a toehold in China particularly. It’s also a result of eBay’s continued commitment to the idea of “just-in-time” fulfilment.
Therefore one of the key ways to filter out Chinese sellers (in particular those selling unbranded fakes manufactured from the cheapest raw material that doesn’t meet Australian standards and cannot deliver the specs and performance and safety standard required) is to use the price filter. Set the minimum price in your search to, say, 15% off the Australian RRP. You can fiddle with this - 20%, 25%? - but the more you lower that minimum, the more fakes will be included (and that means significantly more Chinese eBay sellers).