Next move? bought as local pickup, seller marked as picked up, tracking no., I want to cancel sale.

In a 5 hour time span -
Seller had a book for sale; local pickup or post.
I bought the book with Paypal and selected local pickup.
Seller immediately marked the item as 'picked up' and issued a tracking number.
Hmm, messaged seller, who wanted to meet me at a train station at night.
I messaged that if there is no pickup address, to cancel the sale.
Haven't heard a response yet, text or in messages.
What is the next move?
Thank you.

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Why not arrange pickup location at police station? (Safer for both of you; certainly seller not obliged to give you their home address, esp. after recent escalation in violent home invasions/burglaries related to pickup transactions.)


If you’re bound and determined to have sale cancelled, polite request for refund is the best way forward. If seller hadn’t refunded you by latest EDD, you could open a refund case based on INR.


Based on seller’s actions, they seem inexperienced. Tracking number is not the way to prove pickup. You as the buyer would need to give the seller the pickup QR code on pickup.


I hope it works out for you.