seller list 3 items in stock but cancels sale and refunds money after 2 weeks, but still lists items

Seller had an item listed with 3  sold and 3 in stock, I purchase one and receive confirmation of payment and positive feedback. Two weeks pass and item not received, so I contact the seller. The seller says that item is no longer available, but it is still listed as 3 item sold and 3 available, Seller suggest I accept an alternate item. I politely declined the offer, so the seller says the item he is offering is worth more than the item I purchased but they will give it to me for the amount that I had paid. Again I declined. The seller then cancelled my purchase and refunded my money. but the item is still listed for sale 3 months later. Seller has six other fee backs with the same complaint, but I was unable to leave feedback as the seller cancelled the transaction before I had the opertunity.


Is it acceptable for a seller to list items and accept payment for goods  that they can not supply, just to maintain a caskflow?

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I just wanted to suggest to report the seller too, but I see that it has already been done.

You could try "they don't intend to complete the sale"... I am not sure it is a perfect explanation, but if they list items they don't have it is somehow true, even if they could just be lazy. At any rate you could try.