What is Ebay doing to reprimand buyers who don't pay? I have so many at the moment.

Are buyers who don't pay reprimanded? I have at least one buyer each week who does not pay and I am fed up with it! What is Ebay doing about it?

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Answers (4)

If most of your items only get one bid then list as BIN and have immediate payment selected.

No more non payers. Simples.

Make sure you have buyer requirement blocks in place, to weed out the serial non payers. It won't stop all of them, but will stop those who have had 2 or more strikes in the last 12 months. 

It's up to sellers to use the system to give strikes to non-payers by opening NPD's after 4 days, and having their buyer blocks in place.








they say they are clamping down....but I have seen no evidence of that...in the meantime:


Cancelling bids and managing bidders | eBay