on 23-10-2020 10:55 AM
I have tried to use Afterpay twice and keep on getting a rejection notice at the end of the transaction, I have contacted Afterpay on both ocasions without any resolution to the problem, it is not my credit asmy credit rating is in the excellent category!
Others are experiencing problems also.
Appears to be a site issue.
I was able to pay for an eBay purchase using AfterPay (AP). It took some trial and error (including some eBay payments that didn’t go through). Here’s what I remember doing.
In the AP iOS app, I set up the ‘in store’ virtual AP card, added it to my iOS wallet, and then configured my ApplePay to use it as a payment option.
At the eBay checkout, I paid using the ApplePay option which successfully went through.
Is it something to do with paypal? You have to do the payment through paypal