my purchases keep on being rejected by Afterpay.

I have tried to use Afterpay twice and keep on getting a rejection notice at the end of the transaction, I have contacted Afterpay on both ocasions without any resolution to the problem, it is not my credit asmy credit rating is in the excellent category!

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Others are experiencing problems also.

Appears to be a site issue.

Answers (4)

Answers (4)

Hi I am having afterpay issues. I used afterpay for a lot of small purchases for grandkids Christmas presents and before that my purchases no problems at all. Now I purchase and it goes through and 10 minutes later a email it cancelled ect. I have contacted ebay 5 times and they say it is not them as I have no restrictions on my account and to contact afterpay which I did 4 times and they said was ebays fault as no restrictions on my account with afterpay and they did not cancel the sales. I have that in writing but no way to show it to ebay. I am within eBay policies on what to purchase and can't purchase. This is going on for 3 months now and I used afterpay to purchase gifts and paid a lot more for them. So does anyone know what is happening. I have updated apps for both and purchased other ways like told to and try afterpay again but no success. Please has anyone got any answers or advice or a email address so I can show ebay that afterpay has said that they never have cancelled any of my purchases. Thanks Sue
Community Member

I was able to pay for an eBay purchase using AfterPay (AP). It took some trial and error (including some eBay payments that didn’t go through). Here’s what I remember doing.

In the AP iOS app, I set up the ‘in store’ virtual AP card, added it to my iOS wallet, and then configured my ApplePay to use it as a payment option.


At the eBay checkout, I paid using the ApplePay option which successfully went through.

I was told to use a different payment method and then try again which I did but still won't work. I even was told in chat to delete my PayPal account and then try afterpay but still same problem
Honored Contributor

Is it something to do with paypal?  You have to do the payment through paypal