$25 for expedited shipping?

Can I please ask some advice without getting torn to shreds? Thanks.

I bought some items from a seller in China - yes, it's those 100 chains. He/She quotes Economy Delivery (ie Free Shipping) as 12 - 21 business days; Expedited Shipping (cost $25 USD) as 2 - 6 business days.

I paid the $25 extra to have expedited shipping. I sent him several messages prior to paying asking for a combined invoice with Expedited Shipping - he answered none of them. When I paid through PayPal I attached a note saying "please send all my items by expedited delivery and I paid the invoice including the $25 shipping.

I emailed the seller 29/08, to ask about the items saying:

I paid $25 for expedited delivery on these items. Your listing says 2-6 business days. You marked as posted on 22/12 - it's been 4 business days already. I hope they come on or before Friday because I need them urgently.

He sent me a message back:
i am very very sorry, i mad a mistake, i use free shipping for it, now i will refund USD 25 when you receive it. do you agree?

Why is he saying he will refund the $25 shipping after I receive the items? Shouldn't he refund the shipping immediately since he didn't use it?

And now for the $64,000 questions - should I leave him negative feedback? Now? After 22 days when I don't receive them? After I receive them?

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$25 for expedited shipping?

Community Member

I certainly hope not as specifically buying with the intention of leaving a neg is grounds for expulsion from eBay (and so it should be). ๐Ÿ˜ž

Message 41 of 54
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$25 for expedited shipping?

I don't think anyone, including myself, would think that seller deserved anything other than a neg but you have intimated in the past that you have made purchases of what you know will not be as described silver items. If you haven't done that and it was just a bit of hyperbole then why not say so?

With your recent purchase you absolutely knew that they were not going to be silver so you shouldn't really complain about it other than by reporting the listings if they do say that they are stirling/solid silver and they are listed in the fine jewellery category.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
Message 42 of 54
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$25 for expedited shipping?

I don't think anyone, including myself, would think that seller deserved anything other than a neg but you have intimated in the past that you have made purchases of what you know will not be as described silver items. If you haven't done that and it was just a bit of hyperbole then why not say so?

With your recent purchase you absolutely knew that they were not going to be silver so you shouldn't really complain about it other than by reporting the listings if they do say that they are stirling/solid silver and they are listed in the fine jewellery category.

My recent purchase? I assume you mean the 10 lots of 10 chains that I bought from China? Yes, I knew that they would not be Sterling Silver - did I not say as much on these boards? But, did I not also stress (several times) that this purchase was for a very special purpose and in no way connected to negative feedback, reporting items or reporting sellers? I think you will also agree that reporting listings as 'suspected fake' carry ABSOLUTELY NO WEIGHT with eBay or anyone else. It is almost impossible to report an item and have eBay take any notice even when they ARE FAKE and you have one of them in your hands to PROVE IT.

I feel, at this point I should also mention the definition of Sterling Silver - a material that is 92.5% pure silver and the remaining 7.5% a hardener such as copper. This is a material that is manufactured at a molten stage - ie the two constituants are melted and 'stirred together' to form one material. Sterling Silver is (and never was) two separate materials one plated on the other. The fact that the item made from this 925 Material is solid or not is immaterial. You can buy a 925 Sterling Silver solid rod, a solid plate, solid wire or a TUBE which is then used to make a tubular item such as a chain.

There is now and never was as far as I can see a 'Sterling Silver Plated' object. The terms '925' and 'Sterling' SHOULD ONLY be applied to items made from the above alloy (ie 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper) material.

If an item is NOT Sterling Silver as defined above, according to eBay rules, IT MUST NOT BE LISTED AS FINE JEWELLERY. There are however several sellers both in Australia and overseas that seem to get away with doing just that.

Message 43 of 54
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$25 for expedited shipping?

correction to the typo above:

Sterling Silver is (and never was) two separate materials one plated on the other.

"Sterling Silver is NOT now (and never was) two separate materials one plated on the other." **

** except in the case where a Sterling Silver item is then plated with a thin layer of a more expensive material such as pure silver, platinum etc. This process is known as a flash finish and is intended to promote extra shine and/or extra hardness to the surface of a GENUINE STERLING SILVER item.

Message 44 of 54
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$25 for expedited shipping?

Community Member

therabbitsback...........how do we stop this ?

Message 45 of 54
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$25 for expedited shipping?

therabbitsback...........how do we stop this ?

How do we stop what?

It will never be stopped - as long as we have those who  keep buying the stuff that eg China puts out as genuine sterling silver and which bears a 925 stamp (illegal in most countries but not it seems in China) , and then on-selling to unsuspecting customers. It is ruining the reputation of genuine sterling silver and genuine sterling silver sellers worldwide. If you doubt what I say, try selling genuine sterling silver and competing against the fake stuff. Yes, I know there are some sellers on eBay that sell the genuine article - well, I am assuming it is.]:)

** of course, the other material that is sometimes used as a flash finish on genuine Sterling Silver items is rhodium, but that again is a more expensive material and is used to protect the surface of the Sterling Silver item. If this wears off or the item is resized (eg a ring) the coating may be redone and in fact a reputable jeweller will inform a customer of this periodic need at purchase.

Message 46 of 54
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$25 for expedited shipping?

rabbit I have been in suspenders for days wondering why you bought the chains.


Go on, tell us the real reason because you clearly stated there was very specific reason for the purchase and it was not to leave neg feedback.

Message 47 of 54
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$25 for expedited shipping?

I've just checked that listing - $5.99 plus free postage for an alleged sterling silver necklace...... How can anyone believe it's genuine ? Why waste your money to find out if it's fake ?

Message 48 of 54
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$25 for expedited shipping?

bump wrote:"rabbit I have been in suspenders for days wondering why you bought the chains. Go on, tell us the real reason because you clearly stated there was very specific reason for the purchase and it was not to leave neg feedback."

Oh you are naughty - a  bump in suspenders.

deja_vu wrote:"No doubt he wants to make chain mail armour to wear in his battle against naughty sellers Pip. What a wascally wabbit !"

No, actually, I am joining them all together. I want to reach the moon and back. Tell me. Just how many chains do you think I have?

deja-vu also wrote:"I've just checked that listing - $5.99 plus free postage for an alleged sterling silver necklace...... How can anyone believe it's genuine ? Why waste your money to find out if it's fake ?"

Are you talking about the single chain from the Australian seller?If you check the listing, how many times does she actually say 'sterling silver'? In the heading, in the description about 5 times, and she even goes to great lengths to give all the benefits (healthwise) that can be obtained from wearing her 'sterling silver' chains PLUS they are listed in fine jewellery category. I'll bet those rolled gold items are real though, hey?
Or are you talking about the 100 chains from the China seller?I didn't waste my money to see if they were fake, I knew they would be, but, I'll say it AGAIN - I bought those chains for a very special purpose / person which will, eventually become clear. Actually, if you check again, since you are sooooo interested, you'll find that the total cost for the 100 chains was $42 - that's $0.42c each.

Either way, I agree, I cannot understand how anyone would be suckered into thinking they were genuine, but hundreds do, don't they? The fact remains that these sellers are allowed to continue to list these fakes by the thousands, and even when they are continually reported, nothing is done.

Re the 100 chains - keep ya suspenders on bump. It will become clear eventaully. I'll make a bet with you though, when I do publish my reason, and no matter how unselfish the reasons are, someone will think I have ulterior motives and make all sorts of accusations against me. I know, it's because you all love me so much.

Message 49 of 54
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$25 for expedited shipping?

rabbit I have been in suspenders for days wondering why you bought the chains.

Go on, tell us the real reason because you clearly stated there was very specific reason for the purchase and it was not to leave neg feedback.

OK, I have just put a post up that describes why I bought the chains. I don't know how to put a link up to that post, but it's in Community under the title 'it gets better and better'.

Please feel free to let me know your thoughts. There will no doubt be those who say that I am pulling a swifty somehow, but for the life of me I cannot see how?

Anyway, PEACE on you.

Message 50 of 54
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