And NOW eBay Takes It Upon Itself to Play Debt Collector

I've been emailing a seller asking for details of certain items.  In the meantime, I've continued buying items from that seller.  All without a word from the seller in question over several days


Ok.  The seller could have had to leave town urgently.  Their ISP might be down or seller could have been cut off from their ISP.  The seller might have been taken ill.   There could be family or other problems which have pushed ebay from the seller's mind for the time being


Whatever the case, the seller hasn't contacted me and I've continued to buy


But ebay, in its ever-expanding role of Who Knows What -- has taken it upon itself to start sending 'Please Pay Now for Your Gorgeous Thingo' emails.  Totally unsolicited, we might add


No, ebay.  Mind your own beeswax.  I won't be paying for my Gorgeous Thingo until I have a combined invoice from the seller.  And that won't occur until I've concluded buying from that seller and received a response from that seller whenever that seller is able or prepared to do so


Got that, Ebay ?


Mind your own beeswax.  And instead of unsolicited interference -- kindly create a navigable discussion board with edit feature


Thank you ebay

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And NOW eBay Takes It Upon Itself to Play Debt Collector

ebay send the payment reminder notice automatically 2 days after the purchase and no further action from ebay is taken unless the seller initiates the unpaid item process.

You can call the seller if you are waiting for the invoice you need an item number you have purchased and the seller ID and enter it here and you will be sent an email to your email address and they will be sent one at the same time with the phone number.


And instead of unsolicited interference -- kindly create a navigable discussion board with edit feature


There is an edit function now on the boards. After you post your reply there is a drop down in the top RH corner that has edit for 5 mins after you post then that option vanishes.

Message 2 of 9
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And NOW eBay Takes It Upon Itself to Play Debt Collector

Can't find the drop-down edit feature, Sparklz.  Can't see it at top, right hand side


And until beginning to write this response to your very kind response, there were no Bold, Italic, Font, etc. features showing either.  Very mysterious.  Maybe in time the Edit feature will reveal itself to me


Ebay's Reminder arrived about five days after the purchase of the item it advises me to pay for now, so something's screwy there, too


As I haven't concluded buying from the seller in question, I'm not going to contact them by phone yet.  When I've concluded my purchases, I'll send a few more emails and see what happens.  I'm not keen to bother a seller unnecessarily.  As said in my initial post, there are a myriad possible reasons for the seller failing to get in touch


Wasn't aware of the Ebay Reminder emails until very recently.  As they fail to take into consideration the fact I've purchased several items from the seller in question, I can't see the point of the emails, to be frank.  All they do is clutter up my In Box


But thank you again Sparklz

Message 3 of 9
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And NOW eBay Takes It Upon Itself to Play Debt Collector

Yep.  Discovered the Edit feature  Cat Happy






We can scratch that particular whinge from my initial post !

Message 4 of 9
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And NOW eBay Takes It Upon Itself to Play Debt Collector

In the top RH corner of your post after you have posted it is the word OPTIONS with a little down arrow.

Click on that and the top option is EDIT BUT only shows for a few minutes after you post then it goes.


(If it is not showing then the time to edit your post has past and it will not show.)


Glad you found the edit feature.

Message 5 of 9
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And NOW eBay Takes It Upon Itself to Play Debt Collector

@ Sparklz



Thank you Cat Happy


Found it !




Message 6 of 9
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And NOW eBay Takes It Upon Itself to Play Debt Collector

How does ebay know you are still buying from that seller? As far as they know you might be someone who just buys and buys and then never pays. How many more items were you going to buy before paying,,,,,how many more days before paying.....look at it from their perspective.

Message 7 of 9
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And NOW eBay Takes It Upon Itself to Play Debt Collector

What bsal said.

Message 8 of 9
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And NOW eBay Takes It Upon Itself to Play Debt Collector

Does your seller offer a combined postage discount? If not then you are obliged to pay for each item at the full price and can do so without a combined invoice. If you are asking questions that should be done before you buy anything, the seller does not have to wait for payment on earlier purchases unless they have told you that they will wait while you continue buying.


Ebay do not get involved in the payment collection process, they provide the seller with the means of sending reminders, opening disputes etc but it is all instigated by the seller, not ebay.

It says in this book I am reading that by 2065 80% of women will be overweight.

See what a trendsetter I am?
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