on 30-10-2024 09:08 PM
Hi, When I consider purchasing something, I always select Australia as my location. I found an item I wanted, and after discussing it with the seller, I learned they are actually in China, not Northcote, Australia, as stated in their listing. Is this allowed? Personally, I prefer to buy from Australian sellers, even if the items are made in China.
on 30-10-2024 09:45 PM
Take another look at the listing; it would show Item Location, not seller location. This is a field into which sellers can put any location they please, even if it’s not true.
For that matter, it may be true. Most Chinese eBay sellers use logistics companies who have warehouses in semi-industrial/commercial areas around Australia, filled with some stock from a myriad of Chinese sellers.
False item location is reportable and a policy violation on eBay – but realistically reporting it is a highway to nowhere. This is because of eBay’s Just-in-time fulfilment “policy”.
See this thread for details: https://community.ebay.com.au/t5/Buying/Sellers-lying-as-to-their-location-Why-hasn-t-ebay-done/m-p/...
on 31-10-2024 05:19 AM
Check feedback before you buy and you would know
selecting Australia does not mean the seller is registered in Australia
Yes, eBay allow sellers to say the item is located here
The seller may have a warehouse/facility here
or not
If you care about who you buy from, you check feedback first
There are many sellers who ARE in Australia who are dodgy
on 31-10-2024 07:20 AM
Yes, seller location and item location are 2 different things.
Ebay doesn't make it easy for you to see seller location at a glance. Only item location.
You'll need to click on seller name and details before purchase and check it out before buying.
Also check out feedback, as sandy suggested.
on 05-11-2024 10:21 AM
One tip. Message the sellers at 7am EST. That's 4am in China and if they don't respond quickly you will know they are still asleep !
on 05-11-2024 10:32 AM
Better tip
check where the seller is registered, takes less time than sending a message
And the estimated delivery date is also useful
Not all sellers are on eBay 24/7 does not mean they are in China/ they could be a shift worker/part time seller/seller whose life does not revolve around eBay alone, even if they *are* still asleep, not sure how you work out it means they are in China
Sellers do not have to jump the minute they get a message either
on 05-11-2024 02:44 PM
"One tip. Message the sellers at 7am EST. That's 4am in China and if they don't respond quickly you will know they are still asleep !"
Ridiculous statement !
Apart from the reasons already mentioned, I hope no-one thinks all the WA sellers are asleep in China