Does Ebay have a limit on claims of "Not As Described"?

I'm worried I may be upsetting Ebay with my claoms of Not As Described purchases.  I set out to buy a number of digital cameras to give as gifts for Christmas. I purchased 17 in total and of those 17 there were 4 faulty cameras. I've already claimed and been reimbursed for 2 of them and the other 2 are waiting in the wings.


I litarally hate having to ask Ebay to help with problems which originated with the sellers and then handed to myself. OK the first 3 aren't that expensive, but this last one was over $100 and I'm thinking there must be a limit Ebay has for such things. I feel kije a little boy who goes crying to Mummy whenever there's a problem. I know if Ebay was my Mother, my Father would have stepped in and told me to stand on my own two feet by now.


I also get the feeling that Ebay is being used by some sellers to dispose of their faulty items. It's broken but I can get something for it. This last one I sent an email to yesterday and explained the flash wasn't working in a digital camera I purchased from him. He's denied it was faulty and blamed me for dropping it or pouring water on it. I've had cameras for the past 56 years and never dropped one. In fact as soon as it arrived I checked it and then placed it in a nicely padded camera bag. The one thing I didn't check was the flash, but even if I had I'd still be in the same boat.


What's worrying me is I've also purchased another 4 cameras for family and friends who know what I paid for the others. I think I cleaned Ebay out of High Megapixel / low cost cameras. Now I'm worried one or more of those may be NAD.


So am I likelu to overstep the mark and make too many claims? Or am I simply learning not to buy from Ebay?

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Does Ebay have a limit on claims of "Not As Described"?

Well, I just heard from the seller who sold me a "Fully Working In excellent condition" camera which had a dead flash. I wrote to him and told him the problem and I was answered with an irate message accusing me of accusing him of nbeing a scammer.  A term I use carefully. After getting his message it was obvious he didn't wish to do anything so I lodged yet another NAD claim.  I just received another message from the seller telling me he's spoken to a friend at Ebay and they've decided my claim will fail.


I won't ask if this can be done, I've known what friends in high places can do for their "Mates" He rambled on about his spotless feedback and how he wouldn't sell anything faulty. He then blamed me for faulty cameras and told be to be more careful. He also informed me I was running a business buying and selling cameras on Ebay.  The last time I sold a camera on Ebay was that many years ago I can't recall when it was. At a guess between 6 and 8 years, but don't quote me. 


If anyone can tell me how I could be "More careful" in my buying when a deller has good feedback, the samera looks great and the listing is "Used but in a fully working condition" Plus most sellers tell me the camera has hardly been used and is immaculate. Heck, that's why I bought or bid in the first place.  What am I supposed to do, get each seller to sign an affidavit? 


I'll be honest, after this episode I'm ready to throw the towel in with Ebay. They keep telling it's safe to buy on Ebay and yet when a seller feels like it he can make a phonecall and make sure he doesn't have to do a refund or replacement. I thought that was why I"ve used Ebay for 14 years, the safety.  Obviously if I have a bad run of sellers it's suddenly my fault, I'm the bad boy. I honestly feel sick over this, completely gutted to know a seller and a friend can ensure the outcome. I wish I could talk to Ebay, but as yet I've been unable to get past their "Is Your Problerm Here"  because it never bloody is. They've rigged the entire system so they don't have to dirty themselves by talking to us minions. I'd like to ask them how teo people can circumvent their promises of safety.  Didn't I read an Ad which stated, "We Have Your Back" or was that some other company??? 


Please don't advise me to buy from Gumtree, it's 10 times worse than Ebay. It's crawling with scammers and that's from experience. Maybe I should look in the mirror and see if I have a sign on my head saying "Scam Me, I'm an Idiot" because that's how I feel, a real idiot for trusting someone who can make a lot of noise to get out of refunding for a faulty camera. Maybe I should start selling and jump up and down should anyone tell me what I sold them was faulty.  Maybe Ebay would make a decision without asking for the buyers input or even informing the buyer. Maybe I should go to Gumtree and sell every faulty camera I have and insist on getting paid by Bank Transfer. I'd be making a packet.


Trouble is I couldn't, I can't scam anyone, call it training or simply having a conscience. My Father bought me up to treat people properly by being ethical, I didn't even know the full meaning of the word until I was 18. No I've spent my life treating people ethically and friendly, at 70 it's too bloody late to change now. How do these people sleep at night.  I've often lain awake at night worrying if someone thinks I scammed them when I purchased something far cheaper than it should have been.  But I see sellers have an answer for that now, they simply cancel the auction, after it's been won and Ebay accepts it. So much for safety.


Sorry about the book, it's the way I am. If I have something to say I say it, all of it. 🙂

Message 21 of 24
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Does Ebay have a limit on claims of "Not As Described"?

Stop being so negative about the ebay resolution system.


You have opened a dispute and the seller reacted in a way that could have been expected.  BUT it is most unlikely that the dispute will go any other way but in your favour.   Why would you automatically believe the seller has a friend who will sort the problem with ebay just because he says so?


I think the seller would have every right to think you are selling cameras on ebay....there are not many members who would buy 17 cameras for their own use.


As for talking to ebay....nobody takes any notice of their "problems" as listed.   Just tick anything to get to the next step where you can ring ebay or get them to ring you which is the recommended action to take....apparently you get a more knowledgeable CS person.



Message 22 of 24
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Does Ebay have a limit on claims of "Not As Described"?

I would not take the word of the seller that your case will fail. I think they are trying to bluff you. I would not even bother replying,just make your claim. Take a video or whatever you need to do to validate your claim, if you can.


Think of it this way. If the seller really had a mate in ebay who could fix things, why would he tell you, in writing no less!


I only suggested Gumtree if you are picking up the item and able to examine it before buying. I've never once had a problem buying on that site, but admittedly have never bought anything electronic. 

If a seller says something is in full working order, I admit it is hard for you to buy on anything other than their description, which you expect to be accurate.

I still think your best bet though, if buying these sorts of items second hand, is to buy things you can inspect in person first, before handing over your cash. Just keep in mind though that even if they work then, they have no warranty and there is no guarantee they may not break down a month or two later.

Message 23 of 24
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Does Ebay have a limit on claims of "Not As Described"?

If your seller does have a "friend" at ebay (highly unlikely), and they do manage to turn the dispute in favour of the seller (again, highly unlikely), then you always have PayPal to fall back on. It would be highly unlikely he'd have a mate at PayPal too. He's bluffing you. Just ignore it and escalate the dispute when you can.

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