Ending a Auction early?

Community Member

A seller has ended an auction item 2 hours prior it's end? Is this normal? 

item number: 403426297580

Message 1 of 22
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Ending a Auction early?

So really the answer is - not normal but can & does happen. 



Message 11 of 22
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Ending a Auction early?

@domino-710 wrote:

So really the answer is - not normal but can & does happen. 


Yes, that's pretty much the case. Potentially, every auction that has no bids could end up cancelled by the seller before the end of auction but luckily that doesn't happen.


Message 12 of 22
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Ending a Auction early?

@repentatleisure1952 wrOte:

FGS... where does the OP say they "were disappointed by the outcome"?


Are you ever able to answer a question on the day it was asked?

Or do you salivate at the chance to skewer a seller without ever knowing the details of the transaction?


Reply, himm. Hello repentatleisure1952. I am just asking a question that could bring forth additional and relevant info. Perhaps when that comes about we can tuck into it to work out a solution or at least have OP some way of understanding a bit more about what went down.


Peace ☮️

Message 13 of 22
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Ending a Auction early?

What went down was the auction was ended - 2 hours early - end of.


Totally irrelevant how many bids - who bid - what the start price was.


Just stick to the actual question - ' is this normal '.??


And make it short. lol

Message 14 of 22
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Ending a Auction early?

@4channel wrote:

I am just asking a question that could bring forth additional and relevant info. Perhaps when that comes .......................

Perhaps it's escaped your notice 4chanel that despite others asking questions to clarify the situation, the OP either doesn't know how to get back to the boards, or doesn't want to.


1. The item number given doesn't show in competed listings. That either means the OP copied it incorrectly or eBay cancelled the listing themselves.


2. If the seller cancelled the bids and the listing, there would be no record of starting price or the number of bids, likewise if eBay cancelled it.


3. With either scenario, further postulations/questions (repeated ones) are pointless until the OP comes back.


4. I cannot for the life of me understand why you carry on repeating other members posts/questions on threads.


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 15 of 22
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Ending a Auction early?



Perhaps it's escaped your notice 4chanel that despite others asking questions to clarify the situation, the OP either doesn't know how to get back to the boards, or doesn't want to.



Reply, himm. Hello padi*0409.   Well, let's give it time. See if OP return.



1. The item number given doesn't show in competed listings. That either means the OP copied it incorrectly or eBay cancelled the listing themselves.

2. If the seller cancelled the bids and the listing, there would be no record of starting price or the number of bids, likewise if eBay cancelled it.


Re #1 - who knows?


Re #2 - OP may have a recollection if they were bidding in the auction. If so they could let us know a bit more about how the bidding went. I know that I can recall " starting price or the number of bids" on auctions I have participated in.



@padi*0409 wrote:


3. With either scenario, further postulations/questions (repeated ones) are pointless until the OP comes back.



Perhaps. Hmmm, but then again ... .. .. .. ..  ?




@padi*0409 wrote:


4. I cannot for the life of me understand why you carry on repeating other members posts/questions on threads.




It is called quoting. Other posters here do it as well.  If I reply to a post that is on an earlier page then it makes it easier to others to know who and what I was replying to. A couple of times I forgot to do it and some folks said that I should do it. Happy to oblige then.





Message 16 of 22
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Ending a Auction early?

One post at a time would help - no-one reads crayon.

Message 17 of 22
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Ending a Auction early?

*IF* it was case of the OP noting down the item number incorrectly then maybe that is why the auction ended early ?  (aka that item never existed in the first place due to an incorrect item number while the correct number went on merrily to the end) 

Message 18 of 22
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Ending a Auction early?

Possible - but wouldn't one have the item in ' watch ' - ready for bidding.??

Message 19 of 22
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Ending a Auction early?

I suppose most would,  just about anything is possible 


OP did'nt give us anything to go on and has'nt returned so I guess that they were just wondering rather than caring too much 


Seller might have been dodgy as all heck and just plucked their last straw with eBay too

Message 20 of 22
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