Feedback removed for no reason.

Community Member

I bought a 'good quality NZ solid pine dresser' from seller <Removed>. I had to pay cash on delivery. When I removed the item from the box it was rubbish! The 5cm pieces glued together were the knotted offcuts, and NOT NZ solid pine! The finish was shocking, with chips and the pieces did not meet together smoothly. I contacted the seller, but the seller refused to refund me. I opened a dispute and was told I had to pay the return delivery fee. The seller contacted me and told me they would not refund the cash delivery fee. Returning the item would leave me about $200 out of pocket, so I just kept it. The seller told ebay they had offered me a full refund (lie), and claimed I was racist (lie). I left appropriate negative feedback, stating it was 'poor quality cheap chinese junk' (it was not NZ solid pine, it was from China). My feedback has been removed, I put it there to warn other buyers, this makes Ebay a safer place to buy! This has reduced my faith in Ebay feedback ratings and has definitely influenced my buying, I would rather go to a store from now on!

Message 1 of 17
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Firstly, you are not allowed to name & shame on here. The Mods will remove the ID shortly.  Was it cash on delivery or cash on pick up? If it was cash on pick up, why on earth did you not check the item ?

Message 2 of 17
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And if it was cash on delivery why the heck did OP pay in this way as it's very expensive as they have found out the hard way.

Message 3 of 17
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Feedback removed for no reason.

I had a similar experience recently with a shonky seller from Miami in the US.

This character Advertised a Mototrbo Radio as being in working condition but the battery condition was not known. I took this to mean that the radio would work on arrival but no warranty on the remaining battery life.

When the radio finally arrived after a lengthy delay the radio would not boot up and was completely dead. I did not have a replacement battery to test it with and sent it in to the Motorola service centre for a report on its condition.

$50 later i find out that the battery and the radio were never " married together " meaning that the radio never functioned with the battery in question and the battery had in fact been completely U/S for the last 18 mths.

Long story short Ebay sided with the seller and declined to allow me to return the item for a refund leaving me with a $134 bill for a new battery along with the $50 service charge.

I left feedback describing how the seller deliberately misrepresented the condition of the radio and now i find that Ebay, in their wisdom have removed it, basically allowing the seller to carry on sucking people in without any warning as to his questionable selling ethics.

This sort of thing makes Ebays buyer protection policy an absolute joke and worse than that is the fact that there is no way to warn other people to steer clear of the sharks preying on unsuspecting buyers.

I have purchased many items off ebay and have always given an honest opinion of my dealings with the sellers but if Ebay think i am going to waste my time and effort providing feedback and then have them cancel it because it might upset one of their Protected sellers they can think again.

It is a shame for the honest sellers on Ebay but i think the whole feedback thing is dead and should be forgotten about, i certainly will be from now on.

Message 4 of 17
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Feedback removed for no reason.

Hi rd, welcome to the eBay discussion boards.


Do you remember the actual wording that you used in your feedback comment? If so can you copy it here for us to see?



Also, you told us what happened as regards the battery, but what of the radio? Did it work okay once you got the new battery?

Message 5 of 17
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You may have buyer protection but sellers also have seller protection.

We are only hearing 1 side of the story here...
Message 6 of 17
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Hi Modestbods


"deliberately misrepresented condition of radio as being in working condition"


The radio is now working with a replacement battery but i purchased the radio believing that it would operate as intended when it arrived. Motorola were able to read the device history from the radio and have stated that the battery supplied never operated that radio to boot up stage.


As with anything S/H you have to expect wear and tear and shortened life on some components but advertising the item as being in "working condition and being fully functional" i would have thought that implied that it would have at least have started up.


If i had known that the battery was completely U/S i would have got the seller to remove it and simply ship the radio as it was, saving time and money and the hassles with transporting Li Ion batteries via air.


I still firmly believe the seller knew the Battery included was faulty, and he swapped it just before shipping for the radios original one.

Message 7 of 17
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But after you installed a new battery the radio fired up and worked fine, yes?

Message 8 of 17
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Yes, it appears to be.

Message 9 of 17
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Then I don't see how you could have expected to win your case. You say yourself that the listing stated the radio was in working condition but the battery condition was not known - and that was precisely true. You can't hold the seller responsible for your incorrect assumptions.

Message 10 of 17
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